[166], Acting as her active sonar system, the Simurgh's 'active scream' is a psionic signal that she consciously chooses to emit that collects a steady feed of information about the environment. Controlled randomness threw wrenches into the works, keeping minds agile and forcing them to adapt. I held on, told myself I wouldnt cut you off until we had another Simurgh attack, to ensure you could minimize the damage, that youd be able to recuperate and adjust for at least a few months before she showed up again. -. The Travelers were created as a by-product of this attack, which set the stage for multiple other events. -, She's a telekinetic capable of tossing buildings, she flies, and her scanning ability lets her borrow and copy techniques and mental powers from others - including the power of tinkers (essentially scanning Iron Man and gaining the ability to make what he can make, then telekinetically pulling together a macro-scale version of his devices from surrounding materials). There was no scream in my head. The Simurgh used the opportunity to soar, rising up above the buildings she had been perched behind. For the time being, we were holding fast. A glass tube, three feet across, seven and a half feet long, capped in metal at either end. [335], In a desperate attempt to subsume Titan Fortuna before Dauntless can join her network, the Simurgh flies towards Fortuna's small army of Titans. This Fanfic is a rewrite of Can Endbringers be Dummy Thicc?. [283][284], Because her telekinesis manifests itself as a grip, the Simurgh cannot use her telekinesis on objects that are too slick to grab. -, The one thing that made it possible to even think about defeating the Simurgh was that it took her time to get her hooks in. You must log in or register to reply here. Worm: More Than Meets The Eye (follows Femslash February 2019) by Metallix666 (112 chapters, . The most widely liked SI wormfic I can think of. Information on the Endbringers, provided in retrospect, only after Gold Morning when the Endbringers cooperated against Scion and the attacks stopped. Darnall and Jessica intercepted me, like the Dauntless Titan and accompanying Simurgh seemed intent on intercepting the Chevalier. -, No scream from the Simurgh. Helping. [244][245] Despite enduring the Simurgh's constant psychic pressure for an extended duration in close proxmity,[246][247] Dauntless successfully held onto his sanity and fought against her during her final flight. She is waiting for you to continue., The Simurgh is shorter than her brothers, and sports a large number of asymmetrical wings. As you may remember, some years back, the moon disappeared from the sky, before being returned some days later. Hed had three breaks from the screaming, with whatever power Myrddin had used to shunt him halfway into some other dimension, and the two flashbacks. [228] As a result of the Manton effect, she also cannot manipulate materials close to the skin, such as bodysuits[228] and presumably explosive armbands. Did anyone else catch the mention of the water crisis? Her power looks like luck manipulation but is actually microtelekinesis and precognition/butterfly effects at work. To these ends, she created a nemesis. Im another. I saw the Simurgh block Crystalclears thrown crystal with a bit of debris. He wrenched it free, and tore out chunks of his own chest in the process. They obey, they remain calm. [267] If relevant Tinkers are not nearby, she can only make cosmetic changes to her tinker devices. [267][279][280] On one occasion, she picked up six buildings to orbit around her. I don't know what to think. It would cross his mind that if circumstances were different, he would be attracted to someone like the heroine, followed by the thought that he could think that way because his -or Lab Rats- sister was as different from the heroine as was possible, while still being a girl. . -, She is utterly blind in the present, with no eyesight or other senses to perceive things in the now. You are using an out of date browser. Relations No sight, no hearing, no touch or taste. Holes in time, wells, echoes, slowed time and accelerated time, from confrontations that have occurred, even confrontations she participated in. Well this is going to end in fire, tears, and most likely Piggot laughing maniacaly as Ziz trolls the everloving fuck out of her. Any crossovers will be marked as such in the chapter titles. Weve been holding them off but -, Defiant steered a careful course around the cluster of Titans, mindful of the Simurghs plotted course, as she tried to stay away from Dauntless and the attacks the Titan made with the spear of light. Ulama. The entire population of the city around her, with all the people who had come to talk with her and research her -. Pretercognition. But she faces an obstacle that she is utterly blind to, now. It would fit her to keep it beyond our notice, influencing us, the sort of card she would keep up her sleeve. Where he could, he flew back, kept his distance, even though it made his effective responses worse. [92][167] Thus, she appears to favor the shotgun approach when confronting blind spots. He didn't expect one of them to spawn a grey skinned baby, nor did he expect himself to use it two more times later in life. A shop that sells items that may or may not change the very definition on an S-Class Threat. That happened, we don't really know if it's Amy or Victoria that will get Simurghed but I think that one of the two will die. [77][78] Indeed, Scion himself is responsible for stopping large numbers of parahumans from leaving the planet[79][80] and the shards already have built-in limitations to sabotage mass transportation options for space travel. Each of us is worth a hundred other capes, if not more. -, Way I understand it, she needs to have a tinker in her sphere of influence to borrow their schematics, or a specific device, if she wants to copy it. A whole section of the dust cleared away, stripped of the Simurghs telekinetic hold. Haha, this looks like a promising crack. Yeah, I get it. The light caught the glass, at first, obscuring the contents. Sensors tracked the movement of air along the Marduks exterior, and he felt it much as he would feel the wind over his own skin, where his present body still had conventional skin. The Simurgh was there in the distance, taking roost in the middle of a clearing, ringed by a crown-like circle of ruined and toppled buildings. Fics with the Simurgh as a main character : r/WormFanfic - Reddit [259] Torso felt fantastic when fighting against the Simurgh[260][261] because of his All-or-Nothing invulnerability. Do not expect quality. [288], Sufficiently powerful telekinetics such as the Giantess (i.e., an individual strong enough to lift and throw buildings[289]) can overpower her telekinesis. She jumped to going after Fortuna ten minutes early. [218] During their precog duel, Fortuna and Contessa agreed to work in concert to quickly execute a path without investigating it too much, which forced the Simurgh to leave. - Taylor Hebert, In which Taylor loses her mind, Queen Administrator decides that bugs arent very impressive, and everyone discovers that Its hard to escalate more than ride an Endbringer into battle.. - Wildbow on Reddit, archived on Spacebattles, And I should stress that weak points arent necessarily just areas which are geographically vulnerable. She shrieked in silence, every one hundredth of a second of imagined sound a test of every possibility and detail in her surroundings. Warbling, with highs and lows. After the shard network transported the finished Endbringer to the far side of the moon (i.e., near the end of December 2002[14] when the moon was closest to Earth Bet), she descended to Lausanne in an unknown time frame. Hed found who shed copied, a now deceased cape from Brockton Bay, and hed found the designs. [119] Tattletale believes the Simurgh shares some sense of kinship with her siblings. Messages, impulses, and a noise that ears werent receptive to reached into a pregnant belly and they filled the child with rage. [320] This was a factor in Canary having a highly biased trial that sent her to the birdcage.[321]. Other times, they disappear into darkness, obscured by another power. Accelerated aging? [47] That said, she is capable of raising a rare smile. Rating from one to ten. -, The screaming was getting worse. [350] Yet despite all her efforts,[247] Dauntless takes action and saves Defiant. -, Three buildings floated in mid air, a distance away, the lower floors ragged where they had been separated from the ground. Torso was running around like an idiot. Aliases The weapon had been lost in the course of the battle, and the heroes had decided to minimize contact with the thing, locking it away. Ziz Taylor triggers with Simurgh powers I mean, not that it was unexpected, Ziz just decided that this time she wanted to see her Madison experiment blow up in person. As if to punctuate the statement, the Marduk was hit from the side. Off to a really good start. The city was quiet, and the roads leading into the city were being watched by satellite. It was the Simurgh that offered the most clues about what the Endbringers did in their periods of dormancy. I walked her further up the stairs, and then used my aura, keeping the range contained to a matter of feet, the effect the closest thing I could approximate to calm. Fanfic / There's No Way My New Little Sister Can Be the Simurgh! Female Base of Operations Tropes: Attention Deficit. For more information, please see our Taylor never triggered in the locker. The only reason why she appeared so limited was because like Worm said the Endbringers are SERIOUSLY sandbagging and partly because The Simurgh lacked creativity due to how, despite being the most independent, was a severely limited A.I (more accurate to call her a very advance V.I) who could only act outside mission parameters; if Eden and . I simply cant envision their towering, nightmarish forms anymore when all I see staring back at me is their concerned eyes. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). Small, slow, steady, but it was creeping in, building up, and it was doing it faster than it had initially done. What I have prepared is a plan that will result in an even greater display of competence. Ten being fantastic. One of the monitors on his console flickered, then showed a pair of hearts, a curved line between and below them, a smiley face. It was as if it were, There were five capes who hadnt been flung. Several satellites orbit Earth Bet for applications in communication,[52][53][54][55] internet,[56][57] TV,[58][59] observation,[60][61] imagery,[62][63] and Dragon backups. I have no idea how this happened (in-universe), but it clearly needed to happen. He had his shield, and he was rooted into the ground in a way that resisted being thrust away with the kind of power that could push a moon out of orbit, but the grazing hit still demolished one of his arms, tore out a chunk of the Titans side. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Falling to his doom might sound like a bad thing, right? [39] She then takes actions in an attempt to causally cause these events to occur,[40] such as taking intervening actions to ideally stop other events from happening that would causally prevent her desired outcome.