Seek the source. Torture and drugs are applied beyond the endurance of all of the already-formed personalities, which usually requires that the child be taken near death. The book, The Control of Candy Jones, (Playboy Press) portrays her 12 years of intrigue and suspense as a spy for the CIA. This is part of the dehumanization process which chapter 10 part C talks about. His blood lust caused him at one point during the Vietnam War to shoot 30 prisoners in cold blood. I have become one of your slaves. When theyre implemented correctly, they can be used to program your mind to elicit almost any response, whether youre under hypnosis or fully awake. Once you get to know her you realise how much she cares for her slaves. Programming overides the victims free will. None of us is entitled to a life with no triggers. Northern Mariana Islands The mind manipulators. The friends mean well, but they would be speaking cerebral to someone who can now only speak limbic. That part of us does not, cannot, listen to reason. When you use the word convert, your audience clearly sees before and after. (Try these six trips to help you stop projecting onto other people.). But they can lead us to healing, too. The answer to why may have clicked in their mind. The article states: He believed in majestic mind control, which is a way of breaking down a person and creating an alternative personality with which they must appear to be more pronounced between those who have undergone this process. Anton Chaitkin, Franklin Witnesses Implicate FBI and U.S. Elites in Torture and Murder of Children, The New Federalist, 1993 Bewitched You can use this tendency in your marketing copy. Hammond alluded to the Nazi connection, military and CIA mind control research, Greek letter and color programming and specifically mentioned the Monarch Project in relation to a form of operative conditioning. Personalities trapped in (or on) structures obey program directives until freed from the structures. The two that went by the color-coded name of Dr. Green are a Jewish doctor named Dr. Gruenbaum, who supposedly collaborated with the Nazis during WWII, and Dr. Josef Mengele, whose trademark of cold blooded and calculating brutality has not only scarred the souls of survivors from Auschwitz, but also a countless number of victims throughout the world. One of his latest books, Insomnia, features a picture of King with the trigger phrase WE NEVER SLEEP, (indicative of someone with MPD/ DID) below an all-seeing eye. This methodology was utilized by Ewen Cameron, MD, in the 1950s (See film, The Sleep Room about 1950s CIA funding of his research.) Weinstein, H. (1990). Name it. Second Stage: In the Second Electroshock Amnesia Stage, the subject loses that space-time image and is aware of the loss. 14. 7. 12. This type of sensory deprivation is used to place in the posthypnotic commands to do something at some future date far into the future. (1) discover a means of conditioning personnel to prevent unauthorized extraction of information from them by known means The astonishing testimony made by these two brave women included accounts of German doctors, torture, drugs, electroshock, hypnosis and rape, besides being exposed to an undetermined amount of radiation. Often, delta state may be configured inside as a computer, and the delta alters will have emotionless, flat alters with photographic memories. WebHypnotic trigger words Can mimic any of the above symptoms: radiation, pain, bad tastes, head aches, and so on or trigger unbearable fatigue. Because the mind of the small child does not easily discriminate reality and fantasy (this process relies on the pre-school childs use of magical thinking), the child now perceives the object as a structure within. 8. These humanoids carry out specific functions within the mind, or in external actions. Minneapolis, MN: CompCare Publishers. This is achieved through the use of hi-tech headsets, in conjunction with computer-driven generators which emit inaudible sound waves or harmonics that affect the RNA covering of neuron pathways to the subconscious and unconscious mind. Ryder, D., & Noland, J.T. The Little Mermaid Up until this point i had never heard of self triggers and i found this article very helpful to keeping myself mindful of steps i can tale to help myself to recognize them and atop them before they can really affect me. Cult and ritual Abuse: Its history, anthropology, and recent discovery in contemporary America; Revised edition. If a particular trauma trigger is creating unmanageable stress, seek professional help. Treating Abuse Today, 4 (3), 14-19. Be careful using the word free in your email subject lines and avoid using too many capital letters. They may have to eat the skin taken from their genitals. That is why many slaves fear being buried alive. Batman Arizona Whenever any of these things happens, its likely that it has triggered an emotion. After this reversal in the mind that PAIN IS LOVE, the S&M kitten alters will beg their handler to slap them, tie them up, hurt them, etc. The Lion King are used to forever malevolently define victims as evil, physically or mentally ill, socially devalued and isolated, sexually enslaved, a murderer, a cult member, a witch, etc. Thats why were coming back with over 273 more words to usethis time broken into five categories: Loyalty Confidence Fear Anger Curiosity Well cover the role each of these emotions plays in consumer behavior and buying habits, then shower you with all the words you can use to evoke them Why emotional marketing? Occasionally, the childs siblings, parents, or friends will be used to reveal inside fantasies the child has revealed to them during the daytime, or in unguarded moments. One of the appropriate tortures is to place a bar between a little girls legs, which spreads the girls loins for rape. According to Dan Arielys book Predictably We find ourselves in a common stimulusresponse pattern. (4) establish defensive means for preventing hostile control of agency personnel. Here are 26 more trigger words you may want to try, depending on your audience. When youre inserting and mapping a reality into a child or an older person, words take on different meanings, he says. 1. A former military officer connected to the DIA, told this writer,In the big picture these people [MONARCH victims] are in all walks of life, from the bum on the street to the white-collar guy. Mistress Amethyst is Everything I Ever Desired in A Domme, Ive been searching for some one as special as Mistress Amethyst for a long time., Mistress Amethyst is a very special woman and deserves your attention, If youre like me, youve probably spent some times growing into your love of hypnosis.. areas in or by Mt. Similar triggers happen to all of us; they are simply part of life. They can also stimulate joy or happy memories, like when we smell a flower that reminds us of a place we love or see a photograph of an event where we felt happy. Lt. Col John Alexander The following list describes 12 forms of mind control, beginning with thought reform that is registered consciously, with memory, through the most covert forms of mind control, in which the individual has no memory of the installation, and is controlled beyond conscious awareness. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The information and products on this site are not intended nor recommended as a substitute for professional medical advice. 4. The perpetrators took full advantage of these innocent victims, committing unthinkable perversions in order to satisfy their deviant lusts. The objective is for the victim to follow directives with no conscious awareness, including execution of acts in clear violation of the victims moral principles, spiritual convictions, and volition. The intrinsic imagery of the trees branches, leaves and root systems are very significant, as some of the dark spiritual proper ties associated with the Willow Tree Programming are: (1) The branches are used to whip victims in rituals for cleansing purposes Thank you! Usually being angry for not fighting at the right time, which also gets me to sweat even in the cold. Irina. Policies, Terms of Service, and Income Disclosure, Remind people of a pain point they want to solve, Evoke a sense of urgency, doubt or reassurance. This will then begin to set up intrasystem hostility and divisiveness, which the cult will manipulate throughout the persons life span in order to control them. The word discover inspires imagination. Survivors of ritual abuse who re-associate their history of abuse usual begin to recover their memories of abuse from between 30 and 50 years of age. The intent is to bury all memory for the event deeply in the unconscious mind, below the level of consciousness of all personalities. Other characteristics remembered by survivors were the cadence of his shiny black boots as he paced back and forth and his I-love-you/l-love-you-not daisy game. Operation OFTEN, a study which attempted to harness the power of occultic forces was possibly one of several cover programs to hide the insidious reality of Project MONARCH. I think being able to identify your triggers as well as knowing when to remove yourself from the situation so you can take a breather and get in control of yourself is really important. They are divided from their own parts (their own self) and the world in general. Dont hesitate! Those goals look different for everyone: it could be to eliminate bad habits, change behavior, unlock repressed desires anything. Kansas There are many traumas, which can be carried out, which leave no physical scars, but do leave the child with the deepest emotional and spiritual scars. Nothing contained on this site is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. When you help your audience imagine a brighter future for themselves or their loved ones, you can position your product as the vehicle to get there. Whispering. The coldwater tests supplied the data on temperature levels as consciousness faded. This makes it easier to communicate nonjudgmentally about the effect someones action or an experience has on us. They will be given delta jobs. Provide specific direction on what to do next to buy or engage with your company. So, Delta programming is the primary programming for the Military Ruling Class. Keep reading as the 4 bonus secrets below will supercharge your Post Hypnotic Suggestions. Adding the word easy to your sales copy can convince a prospect to try your product.