Excellent, what a blog it is! 10:24; 12:13). David, however, respected God's anointed king and despite several opportunities, refused to harm Saul. In contrast to the self-reliant, anxious, glory-seeking King Saul, we are called to be much more like the humble, courageous, God-fearing shepherd king who followed. Growing close to God. An official this or that is NOT Gods Way. Ezekiel , western uganda. David, on other hand, was an ideal king, and though he had his sinful failings, he handled them in a biblical manner, accepting Gods punishment and returning to a life of obedience. We can be deceitful about our actions, gloss over our mistakes with our good works, or accuse others of persuading us to sin. b) The leaders conduct or character which is formed by the godly life he is living. Fear and flattery, gossip, innuendo, slander, or emotional blackmail. There may be times when God interrupts our plans, and we must be willing to submit to His will, whatever it might be. His greatest failures resulted from acting on his own. can certainly work. David was the typical king who pre-figured the Christ. Rejecting God and worshipping idols was the national proclivity of Israel. At first he was aware of his humble origin, but later builds a moment to himself (1 Sam. Criticism, expertise, judgments, and even relationship sabotage and slander flow easily from those with terrible fruit in their lives, families, and assemblies. The Israelites mistakenly thought that a monarch would save them from disasters and calamities. They failed to realize that they were to blame for these troubles, because they had forsaken the one true God and followed pagan deities. Oddly enough, when the people looked around for Saul, it appeared as if he had vanished (v. 21). A good leader not only develops themself but also helps others grow. We may ignore his instructions and compromise his standards even as we aim to serve him in doing so. 14:24; 24:16-22; 26:25). He was a better king because he lived by faith and obeyed the Lord. Keep up the good writing. 1 Samuel 15:22-23But Samuel replied: "Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? Leaders should be able to take responsibility for their team's work, as well as their own. Saul thought he knew better than God. The proof that Im a carpenter is the chair Ive made. Some say this reflected his modesty. Over time, this would result in great oppression, and they were warned, Then you will cry out in that day because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the LORD will not answer you in that day (1 Sam 8:18). They had a monopoly over iron and used superior weapons. Zavada, Jack. But his kingship turned out to be a failure because he would not obey the Lord. 1. The phrase the man the Lord has chosen (v. 24) indicates that God ultimately was the one who had selected Saul to be the nations first monarch. Leadership requires equal parts of vision and humility, with the ability to confront hard truths and to coach and mentor. Saul also had several unusual religious experiences, like the roaming bands of prophets (10:10-13). My last two sermons have been from chapter 14, where I found that by contrasting Saul and Jonathan, and by highlighting the effects of Saul's decisions, the writer shows Saul is an inadequate and ineffective leader. Change). Wow, thats what I was seeking for, what a material! Samuel functioned out of his relationship with God, and Saul functioned out of his position/office. The lord confirmed his choice of Saul by granting him victory over the____. Biography of King Solomon: The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived, Battle of Jericho Bible Story Study Guide, M.A., English Composition, Illinois State University, B.S., English Literature, Illinois State University. We do so in faith that all convictions over the many mistakes we will make as leaders are invitations to be washed thoroughly from iniquity, cleansed from sin, and restored to the joy of Gods salvation with a renewed spirit and clean heart (Psalm 51:112). Meet Saul: First King of Israel. Men and women seeking to influence others for Gods cause must be honest, open and loyal. 13:8-9; 14:44-45; 25:24; 15:27,30 To keep His army happy, Saul usurped Samuel's position. Before Saul was anointed king, the people of Israel only had judges to unite them. If unable finally to solve the Philistine problem, he nevertheless prevented their complete subjugation of the land. In endless, maddening competition with perceived rivals, we can pursue quickly forgotten awards and fleeting applause that will never satisfy our souls. A person who does not know or obey Jesus can only be a figurehead. Such a person may need to be obeyed as far as conscience allows, if they have a position, but they are only a leader in as far as they know, love, and obey the Head, Jesus. For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry. Between your wit and your videos, I was almost moved to start my own blog (well, almostHaHa!) Focuses on team development. Titles are forbidden by Jesus Himself. Saul had the raw materials to be a good leader - appearance, courage, and action. He was afraid of not being honored by the people. Saul then lied to Samuel, saying the livestock would be used for a sacrifice. Utterly amazing, but true, if you watch mans religion carefully and honestly. His being from the tribe of Benjamin may have calmed intertribal jealousies, for Benjamin was not large and powerful like some of its neighbors. The Bible prominently features two men named Saul. Not good qualities for a person seeking the favor of God. Paul was a "stick-tight" who could not be budged from his resolute course. Just contact us with a mailing address at P.O. Mizpah is mentioned in the account of the concubine who was raped and murdered at Gibeah (Judg. King Saul had the honor of being Israel's first king, but his life turned into a tragedy for one reason. However, He mixed judgment with His grace.[2] For a second time God told Samuel to listen to their voice (1 Sam 8:9a), and then told him, you shall solemnly warn them and tell them of the procedure of the king who will reign over them (1 Sam 8:9). A visionary leader does not hold back to take risks and unconventional decisions. This is true even though the Israelites had insisted on having a king. Too Many Opinion Polls Effective communication. Of course, there are Gifts and leadership of various kinds in the Body of Christ (Eph. (I Sam. He firmly believed in the power of the people, being led by ideal "organizers.". What Does the Bible Tell Us About Ghosts? 4-5). One day he was on a mission to find his fathers lost donkeys (9:3). Then at the end of his life during the Philistine war. For close to 2,000 years men and women have been reading Paul's letters that were penned under the inspiration . God also wants us to go to him for our sense of worth. Patient The thought of Paul's patience may not readily enter one's mind due to his more dominant qualities that easily engage one's attention. In the religious world, amazingly, there is far less integrity than even the pagans demonstrate. up. This was an awesome responsibility, one requiring humility, patience, wisdom, and courage. I make a chair, a table, or a door out of wood if Im a carpenter. Assume people to be your enemies who, though they disagree with you, are actually more helpful and faithful than even some who agree. Many thanks. Yet, local rulers, such as the judges, had been able to deal with such crises. Samuel had many of the qualities of a king in Israelbut Samuel wasnt a king! Saul was jealous as the people rejoiced over Davids greater victory in battle. No wonder Jesus didnt do well in the accepted religious world of His day. This is still true. He then tried to deflect the blame from his sin by pointing to the good he had done. I dont have time to read through it all at the minute but I Throughout his reign Saul similarly doubted God, seeking counsel in the wrong places, and finally dying a suicide as his army was routed by the enemy (1 Sam. Rather than come forward, Saul hid himself among the supplies (v. 22). So, I like watching Bible films. Instead, he offered three lame excuses for his unfaithfulness: (1) the people were scattering; (2) Samuel was late; and, (3) the Philistines were assembling to attack (13:811). 12; 1Tim. Vintage color lithograph from 1880 showing the death of Saul. Finally, Saul son of Kish was chosen from among them. 1.5 Signs and wonders Jobling perceptively observes that in 1-2 Samuel God's interventions gradually decrease. Instead of building up Israel, King Saul wasted most of his time chasing David through the hills. To be a person after Gods own heart means to be one who obeys the Lords commands. Third, Saul-leadership builds a self-image. Were on a mission to change that. embellishing only when there was nothing in the record that directly contradicted his narrative. Then make chairs. Such a king would take the best of the Israelites fields and vineyards and use their property for his personal gain. We too are to lead others with cords of kindness (Hosea 11:4), seeking to serve rather than be served (Mark 10:4345). He made a decree that anyone who touched food before a certain time would be killed. He acceded to their request as He had done many times beforeby providing manna, quail, and water in the wilderness, for example. I know how to make your website go viral. Retrieved from https://www.learnreligions.com/saul-first-king-of-israel-701170. As previously noted, he was an impressive figure, standing head and shoulders above anyone else (v. 23). Excellent job. The Mosaic Law specifically commanded that the king of Israel be one of their own countrymen and not a foreigner (Deu 17:15), that he not multiply horses and rely on his military strength (Deu 17:16), that he not practice polygamy, lest his wives turn his heart away from the Lord (Deu 17:17a), and that he not greatly increase silver and gold, lest he rely on his riches to save him in time of trouble (Deu 17:17b). Good post! As the Jewish women were dancing in a victory parade, they sang: "Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands." Only a few short years had passed from the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus when a self-righteous religious zealot assisted in the systematic murder of one of Christianity's earliest messengers, a godly man named Stephen. After being anointed, Saul permitted the Lord to change his plans. They also were more united than the Canaanite city-states. help ward off this symptom, also hney or Karo The most efficient appliance ultimately depends on which climate you live in. Prioritize learning and training Aim to learn as much as you can to build new skills and hone key qualities. Weve been watching the History Channels presentation of The Bible from Executive Producers Roma Downey and Mark Burnett. He was then confirmed as king in 1 . Sharing your wealth of knowledge is just one of the many traits of strong leadership. This question has surrounded great historical figures, drives our news media today, and comprises the content of many books and courses aimed at developing leaders. Gods leadership is not based on who can read, or who knows the most, or who can speak the best, or who has the best business experience, or who has wealth or education or charm or good looks or a bicycle. Testify against me in the presence of the Lord and his anointed. Gods Thoughts and Ways Part IV (Balaam), Part X: The Lord of the Scroll When will the King of Kings Return? We focus more on the Old Testament and also more on a certain Judge, King and Prophet who exhibited a leadership quality that can be attained by th . (LogOut/ I do consider all of the ideas you have These qualities can either come naturally or be learned over time. Recently, I have been preaching through 1 Samuel. 1920). His leadership qualities and exceptional passing talent made him appealing. Saul fit the description of the sort of ruler the Israelites wanted. Choose for yourself which of Gods commands you will lead your followers to uphold and to what extent, compromising those that deny the flesh or seem less important. Saul was a jealous man. The Bible shows the severe swing in his moods and attitude. Aim: To follow Gods guidance in choosing leaders. In some ways the leadership might look similar, but Samuel did not have a position of authority. So, the Philistines could gain control of the southernmost region of Judah, the plain of Jezreel, and the coastal plain. What qualities make up a great leader? It is difficult to comprehend the lasting impact the Apostle Paul has had upon the lives of both Christians and unbelievers throughout the Church Age. Samuel warned the leadership that what they requested would result in their harm (1 Sam 8:10-18), as the king would take more than hed give (mentioned six times), that he would take the best of what they had (sons, daughters, fields, crops, servants and flocks), and the people would eventually become his servants (i.e. The proof that Im a pastor/shepherd is that I feed Gods people every day, and they are closer to Jesus because of me. historical record when it came to Spartacus, 3) Elders were never put in place in any congregation at the early stages of a churchs Life together, but only after men had proven themselves to be already functioning as shepherds and teachers and fathers (1Jn 2:13) amongst Gods Family. Although theyve missed some details, and added others not in the Bible, Ive enjoyed watching it so far. Something I made out of wood is the proof that I am a carpenter. Values based - Samuel style leaders don't rely on rules and policies but values and relationships, they don't try to control behavior but teach values behind behavior 4. Samuel had been the nations judge for many years and hed been faithful to obey the Lord and treat His people fairly. Developing intimacy with God. Yet, he had become elderly and was not a warrior. Others, however, think Saul was filled with hesitancy and self-doubt over becoming the new king of Israel. have saved it and also included your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read more, Chapter 17: Leading When You Coach. After his promotion, Sauls soul became unstable and he spent most of his life looking around rather than looking up, as he was governed by fear, jealousy, suspicion and hatred of those whom God was advancing; namely David. In many places the person who studies the Bible in seminary or bible schools, or a good businessman or speaker, gets to be the leader or the pastor. We have seen in India and other countries, many times, that the person with a bicycle who can also read is chosen to be the leader. He was chosen by God and given the opportunity to be Israel's first king. Arrogantly assuming our plans and priorities are always best, we may wrongly expect that others unquestioningly consent to our leadership, ignoring valid concerns we need to hear. Though Samuel had his misgivings about the Israelites desire for a king, he submitted to Gods will in the matter. Leadership qualities can range from interpersonal skillssuch as compassion and empathy or organizational skillslike vision and grit. Samuel and Saul were both leaders of Gods people, Israel. I dont need a nametag. Saul should have confessed his disobedience. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. Look them up for yourself: obedience ( 9:3 ), respect ( 9:7 ), politeness ( 9:18) and modesty ( 9:21 ). We may even find ourselves trying to oppose Gods unthwartable plans (Job 42:2). Along with being authoritative and approachable, effective leaders possess a growth mindset. Just as Eli and Saul both present initial favourable impressions as leaders, their character flaws come into sharpest focus in the same way-through corrupt worship of Yahweh. Im somewhere in the middle. un mois. Saul looked like royalty: tall, handsome, noble. Their leadership style is made up of authority as well as a positive attitude to foster their team members' qualities and create a work environment where they can be open, honest, and productive. Something I made out of bricks is the proof that Im a mason. Yet, as Scripture reveals, Saul was a tragic figure, one who eventually failed both God and the Israelites in his duties as the nations first monarch. 1. how you presented it. 8:11-18). 4. Samuel told the Israelites that a king would draft the nations young men into his army and conscript slave laborers for his building projects. Ephraim,. He also wrote it down on a scroll and placed it before the ark in the tabernacle (1 Sam. 20:1, 3; 21:1, 5, 8). When it is relaxing decrease in water, in order for the light on the flanks is decreased to the patch to the rear flank (hence resembling the style of the african american-throated loon), that There was nothing wrong with Israel having a king; in fact, God told both Abraham and Jacob, kings will come forth from you (Gen 17:6; 35:11), and the Lord gave Moses the qualifications for a king, as well as the basic rules that were to guide his life (Deu 17:14-20). drivers license renewal colorado appointment,