McEvoy CT, Schilling D, Clay N, et al. (PubMed), 23. (PubMed), 111. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press; 2000:95-185. Ann Thorac Surg. 2000;31(10):2287-2294. Pauling L. Vitamin C therapy and advanced cancer (letter). J Am Soc Nephrol. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Vitamin C is the primary water-soluble, non-enzymatic antioxidant in plasma and tissues. (PubMed), 69. (PubMed), 114. Available at: 2001;108(3):E55. Donin AS, Dent JE, Nightingale CM, et al. 2017;151(6):1229-1238. (PubMed), 104. Vitamin C pharmacokinetics in healthy volunteers: evidence for a recommended dietary allowance. And the NCI couldn't afford to be seen as "kooky" or "fringy." Better to be just plain wrong. One 12-month randomized placebo-controlled trial in 456 participants with type 2 diabetes treated with metformin examined the effect of vitamin C (500 mg/day) or acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin; 100 mg/day) on risk factors for diabetes-related complications such as CVD (147). Physiological availability of dehydro-L-ascorbic acid and palmitoyl-L-ascorbic acid. Gao P, Zhang H, Dinavahi R, et al. These observations are consistent with other data that intakes of about 400 mg/day are associated with reduced risk of heart disease. Oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, -amyloid plaque deposition, Tau protein-forming tangles, and neuronal cell death in the brain of subjects affected by AD have been associated with cognitive decline and memory loss. On the other hand, two other large prospective studies reported that a high intake of vitamin C was associated with an increased risk of kidney stone formation in men (198, 199). Linus Pauling's Vitamin C Therapy: A Personal Experience (PubMed). When the results of the Womens Antioxidant Vitamin Estrogen (WAVE) trial were reanalyzed based on Hp genotype, antioxidant therapy (1,000 mg/day of vitamin C + 800 IU/day of vitamin E) was associated with improvement of coronary atherosclerosis in diabetic women with Hp1-1 genotype but worsening of coronary atherosclerosis in those carrying the Hp2-2 genotype (148). Decreased vitamin C concentrations in the lens of the eye have been associated with increased severity of cataracts (108). Dietary beta-carotene, vitamin C and E intake and breast cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). Many prospective cohort studies have examined the relationship between vitamin C intake from diet and supplements and CHD risk, the results of which have been pooled and analyzed in two separate analyses (46, 47). Micronutrient intake in relation to all-cause mortality in a prospective Danish cohort. 1999;281(24):2289-2293. Although two intervention studies failed to show a reduction in stomach cancer incidence with vitamin C supplementation(35), some research suggests that vitamin C supplementation may be a useful addition to standard H. pylori eradication therapy in reducing the risk of gastric cancer (76). A 2013 meta-analysis of 17 prospective cohort studies reported a 19% lower risk of stroke with the highest versus lowest dietary vitamin C intakes and a 38% lower risk with the highest versus lowest circulating vitamin C concentrations (59). (PubMed). One hundred percent absorption efficiency is observed when ingesting vitamin C at doses up to 200 mg at a time. Frei B, Birlouez-Aragon I, Lykkesfeldt J. Dietary carotenoids and vitamins A, C, and E and risk of breast cancer. (PubMed), 199. Of note, it is possible that genetic differences among diabetic patients influence the effect of vitamin C supplementation on cardiovascular risk. 2008;19(11):1969-1974. Roswall N, Olsen A, Christensen J, Dragsted LO, Overvad K, Tjonneland A. Micronutrient intake and risk of urothelial carcinoma in a prospective Danish cohort. Vitamin C pharmacokinetics: implications for oral and intravenous use. (PubMed), 151. Rumbold A, Ota E, Nagata C, Shahrook S, Crowther CA. SVCT-2 in breast cancer acts as an indicator for L-ascorbate treatment. Linus Pauling lectures on Vitamin C and Heart Disease Carr AC, Bozonet SM, Pullar JM, Simcock JW, Vissers MC. Diabetes Care. Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction is a transient narrowing of the airways that occurs after exercise and is indicated by a 10% decline in Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second (FEV1). Vitamin C, through its antioxidant functions, has been shown to protect leukocytes from self-inflicted oxidative damage (14). If you wish to check foods for their vitamin C content, search USDA's FoodData Central. 2014;6(9):3818-3846. Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) is a potent reducing agent, meaning that it readily donates electrons to recipient molecules ( Figure 1 ). (PubMed), 187. 2008;26(3):297-304. Sisto T, Paajanen H, Metsa-Ketela T, Harmoinen A, Nordback I, Tarkka M. Pretreatment with antioxidants and allopurinol diminishes cardiac onset events in coronary artery bypass grafting. Phase I safety trial of intravenous ascorbic acid in patients with severe sepsis. Does vitamin C deficiency affect cognitive development and function? Br Med J. (PubMed), 46 Knekt P, Ritz J, Pereira MA, et al. 2014;5:e1083. Linus Pauling Recommendations 1. (PubMed). 2018 Alzheimer's Disease Facts and Figures. Curr Opin Crit Care. In 2004, a pooled analysis of nine prospective cohort studies found that supplemental vitamin C intake (400 mg/day for a mean of 10 years), but not dietary vitamin C intake, was inversely associated with CHD risk (46). Dahl H, Degre M. The effect of ascorbic acid on production of human interferon and the antiviral activity in vitro. Limitations inherent to dietary assessment methodology, such as recall bias, measurement error, and residual confounding, may account for some of the inconsistent associations between vitamin C intake and CHD risk. Such a reduction falls within the range of assay variability and is unlikely to be clinically significant (121). 2013(1):Cd000980. Kuiper C, Molenaar IG, Dachs GU, Currie MJ, Sykes PH, Vissers MC. 2007;104(21):8749-8754. Clin Chem Lab Med. (PubMed), 94. Regarding the incidence of colds, a difference was observed between two groups of participants. Lykkesfeldt J, Christen S, Wallock LM, Chang HH, Jacob RA, Ames BN. DeRitter E, Cohen N, Rubin SH. Levy MM, Fink MP, Marshall JC, et al. Specifically, the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study collected data on dietary and supplemental vitamin C intake every four years in 45,619 male health professionals (ages 40-75 years) (198). No association between dietary or supplemental intake of vitamin C and mortality was found after approximately 14 years of follow-up. Chen GC, Lu DB, Pang Z, Liu QF. Why is Collagen Important ? Liu C, Russell RM. Comparison of mortality associated with sepsis in the burn, trauma, and general intensive care unit patient: a systematic review of the literature. They should instead seek or continue treatment with anti-hypertensive medication and make dietary and lifestyle changes in consultation with their health care provider. 2017;21(1):300. 2011;43(6):624-627. Linus Pauling recommended at least 3000mg of vitamin C per day as a preventive dose, and significantly higher levels of both vitamin C and lysine for the treatment of existing heart disease. Prevalence of gout and hyperuricemia in the US general population: the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2007-2008. You may not copy, modify, distribute, display, transmit, perform, publish or sell any of the copyrightable material on this website. Vitamin-C as anti-Helicobacter pylori agent: More prophylactic than curative- Critical review. Am J Epidemiol. (PubMed), 189. J Pharm Biomed Anal. Linus Pauling Institute Nutrients. Liebman M, Chai WW, Harvey E, Boenisch L. Effect of supplemental ascorbate and orange juice on urinary oxalate. Reports since 1991 indicate that the Pauling Therapy works as a cure by itself, but in theory, Pauling's protocol makes an ideal oral adjunct to EDTA Chelation therapy and other more conventional therapies for all forms of cardiovascular disease, except intra . Podmore ID, Griffiths HR, Herbert KE, Mistry N, Mistry P, Lunec J. Vitamin C exhibits pro-oxidant properties. Anticancer Res. Lowell JA. Arthritis Rheum. The relation between gastric vitamin C concentrations, mucosal histology, and CagA seropositivity in the human stomach. (PubMed), 8 Prinz W, Bortz R, Bregin B, Hersch M. The effect of ascorbic acid supplementation on some parameters of the human immunological defence system. Heart Disease Vitamin C and Linus Pauling by Jeffrey Dach MD Of note, a subgroup analysis in one of the meta-analyses showed a reduction of post-operative atrial fibrillation with vitamin C in non US-based trials (10 trials) but no effect of vitamin C in US-based trials (5 trials) (140). (PubMed), 124. Hemila H, Chalker E. Vitamin C for preventing and treating the common cold. A much larger study of 19,578 people, including 4,214 children from 6 to 16 years of age, found higher serum vitamin C concentrations to be associated with significantly lower blood lead concentrations (182). Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2003;90(2):148-154. Carol's story is but one in 18 YEARS of consistent testimony which demonstrates that Linus Pauling's rec ommended dosages of the vitamin C, lysine (and proline) (which he and Dr. Rath called Lp (a) binding inhibitors) are almost always effective for reversing symptoms of advanced coronary heart disease within 30 to 90 days after achieving the For a more detailed review of scientific research on the bioavailability of different forms of vitamin C, see The Bioavailability of Different Forms of Vitamin C. A number of possible adverse health effects of very large doses of vitamin C have been identified, mainly based on in vitro experiments or isolated case reports, and include genetic mutations, birth defects, cancer, atherosclerosis, kidney stones, "rebound scurvy," increased oxidative stress, excess iron absorption, vitamin B12 deficiency, and erosion of dental enamel. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Vitamin C also participates in redox recycling of other important antioxidants; for example, vitamin C is known to regenerate vitamin E from its oxidized form (see the article on Vitamin E). While acute scurvy can be prevented by a mere 10 mg vitamin C per day, there is no current research showing how much vitamin C might be required to prevent the atherosclerotic plaques of chronic scurvy. Lee DH, Lim JS, Song K, Boo Y, Jacobs DR, Jr. Graded associations of blood lead and urinary cadmium concentrations with oxidative-stress-related markers in the U.S. population: results from the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Nutrition Forum 2:33-36, 1985. 1993;57(2):213-217. Regular supplementation with vitamin C (0.25 to 2 g/day) did not reduce the incidence of colds in the general population (23 trials); however, in participants undergoing heavy physical stress (e.g., marathon runners, skiers, or soldiers in subarctic conditions), vitamin C supplementation halved the incidence of colds (5 trials). (PubMed), 192. Calcium in this form appears to be reasonably well absorbed. (PubMed), 174. By maintaining enzyme-bound metals in their reduced forms, vitamin C assists mixed-function oxidases in the synthesis of several critical biomolecules (1). Faseb J. Vitamin C treatment substantially reduced the incidence of periprocedural myocardial injury, as assessed by a reduction in the concentrations of two markers of myocardial injury, namely creatine kinase and troponin-I (131). Bjog. Free Radic Biol Med. Annu Rev Nutr. Eur J Cancer Prev. 194. 2015;4(11). I've never used his regimen in this regard, but it should help. Originally written in 2000 by: Intake of vitamins B6 and C and the risk of kidney stones in women. 2012;56. Collagen is required to keep our arteries flexible and strong. Potentiation of in vitro and in vivo lymphocyte responses. Due to the pharmacokinetics and tight regulation of plasma vitamin C, supplementation with vitamin C will have variable effects in vitamin C-replete (plasma concentrations near saturation) versus sub-optimal (plasma concentrations <50 mol/L), marginally deficient (plasma concentrations <23 mol/L), or severely deficient (plasma concentrations <11 mol/L) individuals (28). Sodium ascorbate and calcium ascorbate are the most common forms, although a number of other mineral ascorbates are available. Effect of antioxidant vitamin supplementation on cardiovascular outcomes: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. 2012(6):Cd004567. Jane Higdon, Ph.D. Ascorbic acid, cognitive function, and Alzheimer's disease: a current review and future direction. The general idea is that cholesterol is a natural mechanism of repair in the blood. Vitamin C also limited endothelial dysfunction that was experimentally induced in healthy volunteers (39). (PubMed), 54. (PubMed), 56. Am Heart J. In contrast, a much larger trial in more than 20,000 men and women with coronary heart disease or diabetes mellitus found that simvastatin and an antioxidant combination (600 mg vitamin E, 250 mg vitamin C, and 20 mg -carotene daily) did not diminish the cardioprotective effects of simvastatin therapy over a five-year period (203). Endothelial dysfunction results in widespread vasoconstriction and coagulation abnormalities. Vitamin C supplements are available in many forms, but there is little scientific evidence that any one form is better absorbed or more effective than another. World J Crit Care Med. Retention in the body 1998;43(3):322-326. 2013;106(5):310-315. Cell Mol Life Sci. Buijsse B, Jacobs DR, Jr., Steffen LM, Kromhout D, Gross MD. Yet, short-term randomized controlled studies have found no effect of vitamin C supplementation on fasting glucose, fasting insulin, and HbA1c concentrations in healthy individuals (87). (PubMed), 185. 2003;170(2 Pt 1):397-401. Can J Cardiol. Total calcium intake should not exceed the UL, which is 2,500 mg . Linus Pauling Institute Lancet Glob Health. Arch Med Sci. Intravenous vitamin C and cancer: a systematic review. (PubMed), 80. Finally, no significant effect of vitamin C supplementation (1-8 g/day) was observed in therapeutic trials in which vitamin C was administered after cold symptoms occurred. (PubMed), 176. Carcinogenesis. New York: Marcel Decker, Inc.; 1997:1-24. J Urol. (PubMed), 115. 2017;17(1):49. 2005;102(38):13604-13609. Supplementation with vitamin C had no effect on the overall risk of cancer or on the risk of prostate, bladder, or pancreatic cancer; there was a marginal reduction in colorectal cancer incidence with vitamin C compared to placebo (82). 2001;21(3):235-237. J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem. Accessed 6/22/18. (PubMed), 163. Phagocytic leukocytes also produce and release cytokines, including interferons, which have antiviral activity (16). (PubMed), 11. 1976;73(10):3685-3689. Vitamin C | Linus Pauling Institute | Oregon State University 2008;15(1):26-34. The national study identified smokers and those of lower socioeconomic status to both be at higher risk for vitamin C deficiency (36). 2012;69(7):836-841. Arch Biochem Biophys. It may involve the production of high levels of hydrogen peroxide, selectively toxic to cancer cells (22, 160-162), or the deactivation of hypoxia inducible factor, a prosurvival transcription factor that protects cancer cells from various forms of stress (159, 163, 164). Such symptoms are not generally serious, especially if they resolve with temporary discontinuation of vitamin C supplementation. Because oxalate is a metabolite of vitamin C, there is some concern that high vitamin C intake could increase the risk of calcium oxalate kidney stones. (PubMed), 10. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Another meta-analysis of 40 randomized controlled trials in 276,820 women found no effect of vitamin C, alone or combined with vitamin E or multivitamins, when supplemented during pregnancy (starting prior to 20 weeks gestation), on the risks of overall fetal loss, miscarriage, stillbirth, and congenital malformation(89). (PubMed), 59. 2011;26(3):309-318. Vol. The effect of ascorbic acid ingestion on the biochemical and physicochemical risk factors associated with calcium oxalate kidney stone formation. (PubMed), 40. Levine M, Rumsey SC, Daruwala R, Park JB, Wang Y. Pauling Therapy: Short Version 2017;58:66-77. 66 auditorium with a talk on Vitamin C and Heart Disease. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. At the Linus Pauling Institute, we have based our vitamin C recommendations on the current body of scientific evidence, which is significantly greater than it was at Pauling's time but remains incomplete owing to the many diverse functions of vitamin C in the human body that have yet to be fully understood. PLoS One. A third placebo-controlled trial in mildly cognitively impaired older adults (ages, 60-75 years) found that one-year supplementation with vitamin C (400 mg/day) and vitamin E (300 mg/day) improved antioxidant blood capacity but had no effect on MMSE scores (106). Oregon State University, Updated in September 2009 by: Another meta-analysis of trials found no effect of vitamins E and C, alone or in combination, on measures of -cell function and insulin resistance(146). (PubMed), 118. (PubMed), 190. 2012;52(9):815-829. (PubMed), 131. An intervention trial in 75 adult male smokers found that supplementation with 1,000 mg/day of vitamin C resulted in significantly lower blood lead concentration over a four-week treatment period compared to placebo(184). Chuang CH, Sheu BS, Kao AW, et al. An eight-week, open-label, controlled trial randomized 40 subjects with gout to receive either allopurinol (standard-of-care), vitamin C, or both treatments (122). J Am Coll Nutr. PDF How do I know the Pauling Therapy is working and how long will it take? Oregon State University, Reviewed in December 2018 by: Int J Vitam Nutr Res. He received a patent on his work. 1998;147(12):1162-1174. 2014;100(3):915-923. (PubMed), 20. Carr AC, Cook J. The lens of the eye focuses light, producing a clear, sharp image on the retina, a layer of tissue on the inside back wall of the eyeball. 32. Higher doses (>500 mg) result in fractionally less vitamin C being absorbed as the dose increases. 1990;265(5):2584-2587. Lower vitamin C concentrations in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and brain extracellular matrix of a mouse model of AD were found to increase oxidative stress and accelerate amyloid deposition and disease progression (98). European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. Massey LK, Liebman M, Kynast-Gales SA. Vitamin C is also a cofactor in numerous enzymatic reactions involved in the making of collagen, L-carnitine, and several neurotransmitters, and in the regulation of gene expression. (PubMed). Chen Q, Espey MG, Sun AY, et al. Increased generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) when the heart muscle's oxygen supply is restored might be an important contributor to myocardial damage occurring at reperfusion (133). JAMA. Sepsis and septic shockdefined as persistent sepsis-induced low blood pressureare associated with elevated mortality rates in critically ill patients (150, 151). High-dose of vitamin C supplementation reduces amyloid plaque burden and ameliorates pathological changes in the brain of 5XFAD mice. 1998;392(6676):559. Harrison J, Rentz DM, McLaughlin T, et al. Diabet Med. Pauling Therapy Store - Inteligent*Vitamin*C (PubMed), 130. Hutchinson J, Lentjes MA, Greenwood DC, et al. Pharmacol Rep. 2010;62(4):751-756. (PubMed), 31. You may not copy, modify, distribute, display, transmit, perform, publish or sell any of the copyrightable material on this website. PDF The natural cancer secret: The C6 Protocol - Dr. Micozzi Other trials also failed to show any evidence of an effect of vitamin C on the risk of stroke. Liability for individual actions or omissions based upon the contents of this site is expressly disclaimed. Gerontology. (PubMed), 162. Ascorbic acid levels in the aqueous humor of nocturnal and diurnal mammals. Fritz H, Flower G, Weeks L, et al. Linus Pauling is a hard guy to argue with. A nested case-control study in the EPIC study found a 45% lower risk of gastric cancer incidence in individuals in the highest (51 mol/L) versus lowest (<29 mol/L) quartile of plasma vitamin C concentration; no association was observed between dietary vitamin C intake and gastric cancer (73). (PubMed), 172. Conversely, a 2008 meta-analysis of 14 cohort studies concluded that dietary, but not supplemental, vitamin C intake was inversely related to CHD risk (47). Michels AJ, Frei B. Myths, artifacts, and fatal flaws: identifying limitations and opportunities in vitamin C research. 2000;71(2):530-536. Eur J Clin Invest. 2017;9(11). A secondary analysis of a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in nearly 10,000 pregnant women found no reduction in the risk of preeclampsia with supplemental vitamin C (1,000 mg/day) and vitamin E (400 IU/day), regardless of womens smoking status during pregnancy. Plasma vitamin C concentrations predict risk of incident stroke over 10 y in 20 649 participants of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer Norfolk prospective population study. Vitamin C intake, circulating vitamin C and risk of stroke: a meta-analysis of prospective studies. (PubMed), 85. Acta Ophthalmol. The effects of increasing weekly doses of ascorbate on certain cellular and humoral immune functions in normal volunteers. 2008;87(1):64-69. Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand B. (PubMed), 170. In humans, vitamin C concentration is about 15 to 20 times higher in the aqueous humorfluid that fills the anterior and posterior chambers of the eyethan in plasma, suggesting that the vitamin may be playing an important role in the eye (107). Carr AC, Pullar JM, Bozonet SM, Vissers MC. Over years of buildup and accumulated damage to the coronary arteries, CHD may culminate in a myocardial infarction or heart attack. Tower drink mixes replace handfuls of pills and are made with pharmaceutical-grade, bioidentical ingredients. 1986;6:365-406. Production of both collagen and elastin requires vitamin C, lysine and proline. In addition to taking vitamin C to prevent atherosclerosis, Pauling recommended a combination of vitamin C and the amino acids lysine and proline to help remove existing plaque while strengthening weak and damaged arteries. Thus, in vitro vitamin C sensitivity assays may provide predictive value for the clinical response to intravenous vitamin C treatment. 1977;47(3):248-257. (PubMed), 120. On the other hand, when plasma vitamin C concentration was measured, cross-sectional studies have consistently indicated an inverse relationship between plasma vitamin C concentration and blood pressure in both men and women (41-43). 2001;91(4):563-567. (PubMed), 43. Vitamin C infusion (sodium ascorbate: 3.20 mmol/min for 1 hour then 0.96 mmol/min for 2 hours) prior to reperfusion followed by oral supplementation with vitamin C (1 g/day) and vitamin E (400 IU/day) for 84 days effectively prevented a reduction in antioxidant capacity at reperfusion and for the next six to eight hours. Yet, most studies were small and of short duration and thus did not assess the consequence of long-term use of antioxidant vitamins on the risk of vascular complications in diabetic patients. Vitamin C has been shown to increase interferon production in vitro(17). However, studies conducted in humans found no differences in bioavailability of vitamin C from flavonoid-rich whole fruit or fruit juice and synthetic vitamin C (reviewed in 186). J Am Coll Nutr. Hypertension. In response to increasing oral doses of vitamin C, plasma vitamin C concentration rises steeply at intakes between 30 and 100 mg/day.
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