28.9, Where's hot in the Caribbean? Annual average weather for St John Island, US Virgin Islands Best Time to Visit the Caribbean Depends on the kind of weather you prefer, your bank account and what you want to do. 26.2], ', 'AVG', 'Min.' You can expect temperatures to be lowest in January through February, with an average of 72F or 22C which is still warm enough for shorts and t-shirts. 84.2, 84.2, series: { precipitation in a year with 8in / 203.3mm. But the comfort level depends on several factors. Great Weather in Cozumel Cozumel Weather in January Average High: 82.0 F Average Low: 68.0 F Overall Average: 75 F Average Precipitation: 3.2 inches. 83.1, 29, An den meisten Reisezielen herrschen Temperaturen um die 30C. Average monthly air temperatures in winter vary from +23 in the north to +27 C on the southern coast of the sea. During the dry season, let the radiant sun feed your imagination without worry of anyone or anything raining on your parade. Eagle Beach, Aruba. The avg. A terrific choice for holidays where sun, sea and sand are on the agenda, Puerto Rico is easy to reach from Europe and the US by air or sea. ['December', 28.8, 83.8, 80.1, format: '#C'}, ['September', 79.7, }. In November, the sea starts to cool slightly, at 82 degrees F (28 C). ['November', With any of our itineraries, experience the island lifestyle that keeps so many guests coming back for more. The month with the lowest is March with an average water temperature of 74.1F / 23.4C. Summer weather forecasts on a Caribbean cruise bring a variety of flavors to each region. Average Caribbean temperatures for most destinations range from the low 80s Fahrenheit in the winter to the high 80s in the summer. Some destinations get even hotter. Summer is the hottest of the four temperate seasons, occurring after spring and before autumn.At or centred on the summer solstice, daylight hours are longest and darkness hours are shortest, with day length decreasing as the season progresses after the solstice. The climate of Anguilla: when to go to Anguilla - Travel Guide Visit El Yunque rainforest which can be accessed by walking up the mountain directly from the road. The table below shows some of the cities on the Caribbean Sea coast with the values of sea surface temperature today and yesterday. 84.2, 82.6, ['January', 81.1. 27.7, United States Virgin Islands sea surface temperature right now Submit your Caribbean weather experience today and get a chance to win 100! Shoal Bay, Anguilla. ['October', ['Year', 'Max. 4: { color: '#FFCC66', targetAxisIndex:1, lineWidth: 0 }, Instead, we invite guests to visit these breathtaking islands when the sand is dry and the waters are calm. 84.2, 27.1, Im Juni beginnt in den meisten Regionen der Karibik die Regenzeit, aber das Wetter ist immer noch mild und das Risiko von Regenschauern ist gering. 82.6], 26.7, The water of the Caribbean is warm, clear and has lower salinity levels than the neighbouring Atlantic. The following list has the three best Caribbean destinations for warm weather by month. Nearly every major destination has daytime temperatures in the upper 80s Fahrenheit. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"Zop9ZI.V.im8PFObtbktBWxtxaJZN092mmvXyjx.pK0-1800-0"}; The average annual temperature for North Caribbean is 26 degrees and there is about 551 mm of rain in a year. 29.8, 83.5, ['July', It is especially true during the Caribbean hurricane season. We track and show sea surface temperature in the following countries and regions related to this sea: Bathing comfort is also affected by air temperature, wind or precipitation. 5: { color: '#FF8C00', targetAxisIndex:1, lineWidth: 0 }, 83.7. For the two most popular swimming location in The Caribbean, the annual schedules look like this: The Caribbean Sea is a semi-enclosed sea of the Atlantic Ocean basin, bounded from the west and south by Central and South America, from the north and east by the Greater and Lesser Antilles. Occasional light showers are the perfect excuse to head inside and tour the Graycliff Chocolatier, where you can create your own decadent masterpiece with local ingredients like mango and lime. ', 'Max. ['November', 79.7], 81.1], ['January', 1: { color: '#FFCC66', targetAxisIndex:0, lineWidth: 8 }, The highest temperatures are likely to be in August with a maximum of around 86 degrees. 83.3, We use cookies to best represent our site. 26.6, var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(chart_waterC); The average annual temperature for Central Caribbean is 29 degrees and there is about 1246 mm of rain in a year. 83.7], 27.9, ', 'AVG', 'Min. google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); 83.3, This is the ideal time of year to visit the Caribbean for anyone who likes warm weather, comfortable swimming and low risk of rain. You have high temperatures and a lot of rainfall throughout the year. The air temperature around the year is around +29 o C, the water temperature is + 24-27 o C. Precipitation occurs mainly in the form of powerful but short-term showers, and almost evenly, with a maximum in the autumn period (from October to December ) The island lies outside the hurricane belt, so these natural phenomena are also extremely rare . series: { 27.1, Saint Thomas ( Danish: Sankt Thomas) is one of the Virgin Islands in the Caribbean Sea, one of the three largest of the United States Virgin Islands (USVI), an unincorporated territory of the United States. If youre cruising to ports like Aruba or Bonaire in the Southern Caribbean, youll likely experience the warmest conditions, as theyre the closest to the equator. In January, daytime temperatures typically fall between 72F or 22C to 83F or 28C, rising to an annual high of 78F or 26C to 89F or 32C through June, July, August, September and October. }. } January, February, March, April, May, June, July, December. ['January', 84.7, March is the driest at 0.5in / 11.5mm and October the wettest month with 10.8in / 274.5mm. On the surface, the water is bluish green and green. The average temperature ranges is 24 in the previous month and 24 in the next month. ', 'AVG', 'Min.' 27.2, Discover the glorious beach and terrific wave conditions at Rincon beach, the surf capital of the Caribbean. 26.5, }. ', 'AVG', 'Min. ['April', 83.7, 28.3], Like the sea, the temperature on land remains stable all year round thanks to the warm water of the tropical Atlantic. The Caribbean Sea is the source of the Gulf Stream, with this tropically warmed current reaching right across the Atlantic. We provide information on current weather conditions as well as average climate data from past 30 years. 26.4, StringersHub. Summer - Wikipedia 80.4], The month with the most wet days in West Caribbean is October, with an average of 14.6 days with at least 0.04 inches of precipitation. 13K views, 310 likes, 19 loves, 51 comments, 39 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from CNC3 Television, Trinidad and Tobago: The Midday News. Excepting the occasional passing of a storm, the weather and conditions for activities on and in the water is typically excellent throughout the year. 79.9, 82.9], Nassau Summary. Try snorkelling around Cemetery Reef or take a guided dive to one of the shipwrecks that dot the coastline. Sea Water Temperatures: Swimming & Snorkelling Guide - Weather2Travel.com October holds onto hot temperatures that make Caribbean beaches inviting. 81.9], google.charts.load('current', {packages:['corechart']}); 29.3, The country lies on a main route to the Panama Canal (the Mona Passage), and over 1 million visitors each year arrive at Puerto Rico by cruise ship. Youre guaranteed sunshine and perfect conditions for diving and swimming all through the year. With an average temperature of 83.5F / 28.6C, August is the warmest month in a year. Nehmen Sie die ganze Familie mit auf eine Weihnachts- und Neujahrskreuzfahrt und berlassen Sie uns das Kochen und Putzen. curveType: 'function', ', 'AVG', 'Min.' The earliest sunrises and latest sunsets also occur near the date of the solstice. 27.8, We have the answers so your first time will be nothing but smooth sailing. 28.7, function drawChart() { The coldest in February with an average water temperature of 79.7F / 26.5C. 28.2, 3: { color: '#FF6347', targetAxisIndex:1, lineWidth: 0 }, . Rain is more frequent in the wet season, but the temperatures are warmer. What is the water temperature in Puerto Rico? - 2023 While climates will vary depending on which region youre sailing, expect temperatures to range from the upper 80s during the day to the mid-60s in the evening. ', 'Max. 27.9, 26.4], [CDATA[ 80.6, 83.7, In April, travelers won't have to worry about the suffocating humidity that hits the islands during the summer months. format: '#F'}, 28, The map shows water temperature in the coastal cities of the Caribbean Sea in real time, If you want to plan a vacation on the beach and enjoy the warm sea, choose the day of the year, region and the minimum comfortable sea/ocean temperature that interests you. 26.9, 82.8, vAxes: { 0: {gridlines: {color: 'black'}, Annual Sunshine for St John Island The longest days in St John Island are in June, with an average of 13.2 hours of daylight per day. 29.9, 5: { color: '#FF8C00', targetAxisIndex:1, lineWidth: 0 }, google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); The Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt, a giant 5,000-mile-long mass of sargassum seaweed, which Travel Market Report first reported on last month, is starting to make landfall in Florida, the. 81.1, 81.5, gute Zeiten fr eine Kreuzfahrt durch die Karibik, Tipps und Reiseartikeln fr Karibik-Kreuzfahrten, Kein Verkauf und keine Weitergabe meiner personenbezogenen Daten. Boat slips for sale caribbean. Harbor $0 (Santa Barbara) pic hide this Let's find out! Bei Sonnenuntergang khlt es erheblich ab. Temperature: 81F Rainfall: 2.3 inches Aruba's Average Weather Forecast in in February Temperature: 82F Rainfall: 1.6 inches Aruba's Average Weather Forecast in in March Temperature: 82F Rainfall: 0.4 inches Aruba's Average Weather Forecast in April Temperature: 82F Rainfall: 0.4 inches Aruba's Average Weather Forecast in May 1: { color: '#FFCC66', targetAxisIndex:0, lineWidth: 8 }, The warmest avg. Caribbean is located in . 83.8, It is dry for 21 days a year with an average humidity of 81% and an UV-index of 7. The sea in Aruba is warm enough to swim in throughout the year: the water temperature ranges from 26 C (79 F) in the January-April period to 29 C (84 F) in October. Minimum water temperature (71F) in CocoCay Royal Caribbean it happens in February, maximum (87F) in August. While the rainy season lasts from the beginning of October through November, these are some of the best months to cruise to the Caribbean. 26, 26.7, 28.1, Which Caribbean islands have the clearest water? - 2023 82.2, 29, tropical savanna climate with wet summer would be the climate here. The temperatures, which undergo only slight variations throughout the year, are moderated by the constant blowing of the north-east trade winds. 29.5], During the daytime, bask in typical Caribbean cruise weather ranging from the mid-70s to upper 80s. 79.7, Water temperature all along the Caribbean Sea coast warms above 20C and it is enough for a comfortable bathing. 26.3, The holidays offer even more reasons to celebrate in the Caribbean this December. 79.5, Grace Bay Beach, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos. The avg. The sea is perfect for swimming, diving, snorkelling and sailing, and though surfing is not widespread there are several fairly good sites. Caribbean climate Water temperature Best time to visit 27.3, temperature is around 81F / 27.2C, September is the month with the highest temperature. Kingston is Jamaicas capital and it is an essential stop for music fans, and the Bob Marley museum on Hope Road has numerous exhibits and lots of memorabilia pertaining the the islands most famous son. ], }; March is the month with the min. 25.9], Corruzione privata 2635 s. Kiss daniel laye video tooxclusivemusicdownload. Get forecasts each morning for every major island. 83.8, 81, Aruba is a town close to caribbean sea. 82.4, 83.1, 28.2, Water temperatures off the coast of Puerto Rico vary little throughout the year, and the sea is perfect for surfing, swimming, diving, kayaking and sailing at almost any time. The weather in Punta Cana is always warm, so you can come here on vacation all year round. 26.5, On a Caribbean cruise with Princess, embark on an ideal adventure amidst refreshing rain or sunny skies. Harbor $0 (Santa Barbara) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. 84.2, Cozumel Year-Round Weather (Month by Month) in Detail google.visualization.events.addListener(chart, 'ready', function () {chart_waterF.innerHTML= '
';}); 81, ['July', var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([ 79.7], 29.1, With abundant sunshine and clear blue skies, Caribbean cruise weather is known for being consistent year-round. Prepare to be awed as you sail into the best Caribbean cruise destinations with Princess, where relaxation and adventure are the only things on your to-do list. var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([ 2: { color: '#FF8C00', targetAxisIndex:0 }, 28.8], 28.7, There are several bays on the continental coast (western and southern parts of the sea). The youngest of these runs through the Lesser Antilles from the Virgin Islands in the northeast to Trinidad off the coast of Venezuela. 80.1, Take light cotton clothing and sunscreen and be ready to spend long, sunny days on the beautiful beaches. Jamaica: Water Temperature: Forecasts & current water temp
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