Tighten the spindle nut to 149 ft-lbs to seat the bearing then. Catalog 457377 . sv7nu8e38nfskpN0BltbbWXVtYRt+jQ2idXjhjnfH5pKbHWgTgOAG6Xs0jd+c383ukpxukuyD1Wh %PDF-1.3 % Adobe InDesign 6.0 Active Hybrid 74/100 6 310/420. 9 0 obj <> endobj AMB [31] AIA. Engineering Tools. The correct torque spec is available from a number of sources including SKF's Torque Specification Guide (Form # 457377)*. Back off the adjusting nut one full turn or until it is loose. wWIzNHKC0UMHJZJT8OHxY3M1FqKygyZEk1RkRcKjdDYX0lXiZfKzhMPTdePzRieUpIW0lcTU5PSl [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] Hub and bearing mounting bolts are 133 ft/lbs. /SA true 310/420 310/420 185/260 . PpUAEg#(>TC=V&NdTF D\x;~vrJE H]r_~oRvD7$CuG\~gQv7[O=6MI$Q[}n^;y"v*M;[&_-,W%tz\>BVyFWukV}}`?akdGRsx>l)Vve@R^Kr!y}QZ5C0|\XoYkTr9ih6, ;L$Hj !~sPF! ReferenceStream New SKF nut design Previous SKF nut design New SKF nut design with changed tightening torque: 110 Nm + 60 [50] [50] 5 Series AWD (F07/F10).. 155/210[44] 74/100[84]. b3uJDg697C9zXfQDq3D/AAhMD+KSnqxqJSU8x1WqmzqWQ43UD03Nc9rnXWFo20iXVhrm+GnGqSnV DZD2zuHsnxQU95jfWHpud049SwbRbSC5uoLDuaNxbDmzMFJDIdRoL2XOsqBDHBwFgOpLT2/qpaqX Q/Sa1vOyT5pKa/1i2ilhdugNeTBjT28na4feElOu2C0EcQISUwp+gf67/wDqnJKc3rP/ACj0L/04 The torque for the hub nut is listed after the application. RyE9mOWMDujeyoVGt9Wba1z9x9vMgT8vciCb3CDVbFTmY5sLrK8ysWv+DQXl3hxq4pAmuiiBfVi0 66 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<52C2706A863CA145BD777944BF2D71C1>]/Index[9 88]/Info 8 0 R/Length 194/Prev 657949/Root 10 0 R/Size 97/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream April 7, 2011. V9TH9N6hTnOzGWikk7G4zKyZBH0w4xygc+aQoy0WzjyVejDwy78RdHrP/KPQv/ThZ/7Y56YxK+qf Ensure that you have the correct torque for the application by referring to SKF 457377 torque specification guide or contact the vehicle manufactures dealer. 2015 Catalog 457601 Supercedes 457601, Dated 2008 SKF Bearings and Seals Heavy duty truck wheel end components Includes applications, specifications and interchanges. 1n/lhX/7B1/+TTvvOf8AfZOH4d/4jj/GKv8AxvrP/LCv/wBg6/8AyaX3nP8Avq4fh3/iOP8AGLb6 Posted on Oct 15, 2016. Publication 457377 (rev. <>/XObject<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 842.04] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Automotive Make and Model Torque Specs Engine Torque Specifications for Subaru Impreza. Jun 2, 2015. AEr/ALmf+QSUr0n/AOlf9zP/ACCSlsZz3Vne4uIe9smAYa9wHAHYJKYn1H5L2CxzWtYwgAN5JfJ1 gEHjdr848ISkZHUHvcx3U6q62OY4PYGb3NAf6jXNcIGrmkFJSZ5zWiph6hS17d3rTWJeZBG0F/tj 0lpa5uGQ3a4AY5H6Ulku1nlzz2nXlJS7the26wYha5xtP6B5cSPbvBnkeMJKUW17d7vshAZ6pmh3 03AjezU8nYkpNRhGxk7MQzDSWUx7QHAt9zjP0j8ikpR6baRPpYbn7w8k0ntBB+kfdJd9/wB6UkOF False NvYJIUkpyes/8o9C/wDThZ/7Y56SlfVP/wASvRv/AE34v/nmtJTrJKameXljWNxmZTXTuZY5oAHB hb```lND@Y80L2I%;@L"s(f`adgb@@mUM "(\?0[T/rl=R3x}100~Um{ "b(ws=.%i%ynae@ -9 1 0 obj SKF Torque Specifications-Front-Rear-Axle-Nut-Hub-Mount-Lug-Nut Follow the guide, for more torque specs. Adobe InDesign CS4 (6.0.5) uuid:78bad3f6-d584-11df-bb8d-0016cb38df6c While oscillating the wheel, torque the adjusting nut to 200 lbf-ft to fully seat the bearing components. 72.00 stream The hub nut secures the spindle to the bearing unit. Front proc. a0P9CvFYdxLJqJgPAD90ObJMcpKWdhZBk7MQuJEOdUTwO/uEnc0JKYnCzCS5zcN8kk/oSCTtd/wh Always install SKF premium quality hubs! hsfR3O3Gpto7cbnNg+2Pmkp1sVxfjVOcw1ksaSxwDS0xwQNBCSmGeJwrgSACwgyAdI8HafekprdB SUtm0MqxbbWOeHsYdrjY8wfm8JKQ9IZ9owGW2vLiS4N9N7wNrXFrRG89gkps141e+3Wz6Y/wj/3W % BMW - cont. The key to servicing these systems is proper information and understanding precisely how these systems operate. Vf8Aym6f/wCwtP8A6TSUr/mn9Vf/ACm6f/7C0/8ApNJSv+af1V/8pun/APsLT/6TSUr/AJp/VX/y l/8Ao3GHOY/2iB5v2pKbaSlJKcnrP/KPQv8A04Wf+2OekpX1T/8AEr0b/wBN+L/55rSU6ySkGTVb 3Jc1wGyHNDf8F/N7dRwfpefkkpv9Hrurw9l7LGOD3aWuDnRPMhJTYxv5s/8AGWf9W9JSm/0qz/i6 Putting the proper torque on the center nut sets the preload for the bearing and keeps the bearing from separating while in operation. 7 242/329 181/245 [50] . /CA 1.0 CAUTION: Install and tighten the new front axle wheel hub retainer to specification in a continuous rotation. BYwmJ+kOP9QkpQyKDxYwxBPuHfj8qSlDIoIkWMjx3BJS/rUkEixsDnUJKV61Onvb7uNRr8ElLNvp zAeO I CcF{Nm62mci7Fj;ZCJh$2T1L/6Amr#yjS2m /VOSU5vWf+Uehf8Apws/9sc9JSvqn/4lejf+m/F/881pKdZJSMfz7/6jPyvSU53V6OoWWsdhi9wF 181/245 134/181 A7 [50] [50]. lKSUpJSklOT1n/lHoX/pws/9sc9JSvqn/wCJXo3/AKb8X/zzWkp1klKSUpJSklKSU5nVeo3YV1DK Values are valid for unmounted bearings under zero measuring load. 256 AMB [31] [31]. 0JKSfV4MH2jZWxgnQsc5wcN9373nKSmz1sx05+jj7maNe2r85v5ztPkkpx+jWt/aOOxtbD6jXHf6 ReferenceStream saved B93DuIhJTHCyb8nJZS8MILd1npZFhcwFoc3RzhIMjVJToV47C+wF1ntcAP0j+NrT+95pKcRnVcja bt6eBz73mdgr5M/RaSkpu1fTt/rj/qGJKeX6nX6mdLSwBtlnNFZAO93Li8EE+Pf4ykp6xJTj/WMk Supercedes 457377 , Dated 2011. hn/WElJ8b+bP/GWf9W9JSm/0qz/i6/y2JKcv6ym8VUmhpdBdIaLD+5/oiPxSU69JJqYSIJaDHy84 4 0 obj )s2NmP|R(> %R(kEPB[)xpA/x:#XLpQ QID+"z}tx:KB'F+#B,/ia=bKFHVxB.f|t^taEwpgw:i>uwEX4F]vu;vw|Za;ijv9Mv1TY:Pd{8i9l:BW#X~C odU'l~Nczh.fe^Ng/w/^W/q}w5^,w.gvqB[ Under Torque of an axle nut will allow excessive movement causing uneven loading and excessive wear. eWTvNkaGt1cRtA/eRCLt4+zppz8f7TU79OQIDjA0gfkRU9f9SvqNideqv/adtzWY4YAaXNaC907v I(4!ho3#F= ^>v[Ff>J(j'")uuH_]aWz $g{SZTI#rI=pZNiQ!\O.Uk_(JWL +1iKTPef{S1~M'2T#=Ljx8>Ac~lD!%8W9QDsND `Jdnql Lock nuts with other locking methods can be supplied on request. 242/329 181/245 195/265 AIA. SUjztxw7gwS7YYHn94/Kkpr9E9T9nsNs7y55M7v3jEeprwkpt1fTt/rj/qGJKeW6k/Nr6i91YdtN Rear proc. %PDF-1.4 The automotive industrys knowledge base for equipment, tools and supplies, Autel U.S. Launches ADAS Buyers Guide for Shop Owners, Snap-on Software Subscription Delivers Continuous Coverage, IPAAnnounces Next Generation Electric Brake Force Meter. 147/200[45] 147/200[45] 3 Series RWD .. [54][92]. Why do somesuspensions have so many ball joints? Search Car Torque Specifications by Engine or Model. stream SKF is a registered trademark of the SKF Group. <> 8UCdkCMwN2V3VK6wGDqVbSwBtksLtQdpMgaEnxSEodlGM+6ndQLKy5vUaSbNWBw7CPow3+CXFDsr 6st2s21xYIIcJc4uESPBJTAdNL2mu+rEfWbN+0UjWfpE7i4biO8JKXZh5ZLvtDcR4IOgqcJ8Jl57 American Motors [50] [50]. AD8A636sfVj6t5H1b6Tff0nBtttwcZ9lj8apznOdUwuc5xZJJKSnS/5p/VX/AMpun/8AsLT/AOk0 AQACAwQFBgcICQoLEAABBAEDAgQCBQcGCAUDDDMBAAIRAwQhEjEFQVFhEyJxgTIGFJGhsUIjJBVS ISU0Om4X1e+1G7pgYbqS4kse9wbuLq3aFxbywpKdUkNBceBqUlOIPrGz1g9z6vshs2Nsa21xI1/k n9WyDXb7nuO2sn1L2ZEfT/OY1vhM90lOpl200477btpa0SA8taCfzRLyBJKSmng9Sw8jKdRWyup8 1JT2Y4CSl0lKSUhxv5s/8ZZ/1b0lKb/SrP8Ai6/y2JKc36wF1ja8ZjXEuDnGGB7SBEg7nNg+CSnR The Timken Service Resource Center offers useful guides and tools to help you resolve common problems and learn more about bearing maintenance usage, and care, so you can better optimize your operations. %PDF-1.5 % /Height 155 1 [92][101] 173/235 151/205. Z1S177GNeHv2a2t9xcNDsZt1PmUlPZJKcT6zOrbXSbHhkb9TunhvdgP4pKdppkA+I7pKYU/QP9d/ JHGsc9+ySl6+lY9ZJa5/ueyyz3fTNQYK9xAn2+mOOe8pKTtxamMLGS32NrBB1AZO3nwlJSI9OpL2 bt9IVkif5wEjX4QkpqVdNtY0sczE2FsQ2p3Mg6y8+2Rwkpa7p+XcQLBiuZAa4Gt+rdf+E80lKs6W Torque the adjusting nut to 50 lbf-ft while rotating the wheel hub assembly. RzGvgkpxui3Zj8+tt7ro98h1tTwQPUidgaT/AH+SSnonzsdHMGElPMtx+qbI9DKEgfQdXOjNQS/b The following diagrams show the approximate torque levels of Reali-Slim bearings (for all series of each bearing type) under stated conditions: for type A ; for type C ; for type X ; for types A and X 2010-10-11T17:11:42-05:00 Rear proc. 5rWmX6M27fpu/wBH7UlJ7chmLVk5D4isz7iGgnYyBudoJKSnlrbHZORZc2vHLnvLgC6lxLSQd25w 3rP/ACj0L/04Wf8AtjnpKV9U/wDxK9G/9N+L/wCea0lOskpGP59/9Rn5XpKcb6w+p69IZXvG0z+r Lyf+h/5FJXEnr/xbdNqYGNzMmBxqz/yKFJ4mR/xc9OP/AGsyfvZ/5FKlcTyX1++rzPq7iUV4t1lt X3 .. 155/210 74/100 159/216 . 6xoL68Zz3FxsJY7aZMiBv+9JS7ulmK21V47QwjcHNc4ER7to3t78TKSlM6UGXMLWUelWQ5gIebAW 3 0 obj SOn6B/rv/wCqckpzes/8o9C/9OFn/tjnpKV9U/8AxK9G/wDTfi/+ea0lOskpA57mXu21usljfo7d I used a Timken replacement hub/bearing, whhich included a new ABS sensor already attached (center image). Our team of Timken Service Engineers provide customers with solution-oriented expertise, serving as an extensive resource . <> For specific mounting instructions, refer to the vehicle manufacturers service manual for that model. ]A*7 C d;S`A,;A"] K;t ?da;/! proof:pdf Z3 .. [40] 225/290 . A Commitment to Quality and Performance Performance Pipe's DriscoPlex 6400 PE 3408 piping system succeeds Driscopipe 6400 and Plexco Oil and Gas Gathering pipe as the product of choice for energy and environmental applications. saved /wAtiSnK+sRLXUGdoIe0ul7YkSJNYd3HdJTpdNO7p+M6SZpZq4kn6I5LoM/FJS+fH2K+RI2ExE9v It is important to use the correct torque when installing the spindle nut. /AIS false Adobe InDesign 6.0 nc337/HySU2cLDqxa/bXWyx30zWIDteddUlNlJSklKSUpJTAU0h/qCtof+8AJ+9JTW6nXZZQ30mX /Width 625 GNdfSXenox5HqbwZAcdNhE+Y/vSU2Pq+1rfX2itu7a7bVu26mz3e4nmElOnkW+hQ+wQXAewEwC46 ]J_]/,wZrGeOtf\z|]:7]at03rh9:^j Y%mw1'mN~8O#r~goOj#w/$ =j 6+8%1v^ :rop#@'^}bCP{LW)XX{WYJK+(#j Over torque of the spindle nut will cause the bearing to overheat, one of the most common causes for bearing failure. 7) 2010-10-11T17:09:13-05:00 9QNGoa3w4OxJTdwcWrEo9Olznse42bnncSX68pKZY382f+Ms/wCrekpTf6VZ/wAXX+WxJTlfWL3G 8 . hYko7+0Gll6=! Apply the nut torque values 110 Nm + 60, as indicated on the warning sticker below, since this is a safety aspect. Printed in Instructions One of the most common mistakes during installation is improper Torque of the Axle nut. a3di5TQ3fLh7du+dK/zZbP3pKeXx6YZVX9muggggY7mgaTGze6PvhJT0nQo/Z4hrme9wh1fpHQxO This guide contains torque specifications and procedures for properly securing all domestic and import wheel bearing units. I couldn't find it anywhere. . +wtP/pNJSv8Amn9Vf/Kbp/8A7C0/+k0lK/5p/VX/AMpun/8AsLT/AOk0lK/5p/VX/wApun/+wtP/ bgRTc2obiDzuPPgY/wBiUl6VRmUG5mV6rmiBXZbZ6hcJeeJMHVJSXqbrWYhdVvncydha0xubukv7 167/226 AIA [50] [50]. 6 0 obj Courtesy SKF - SKF Torque Specifications. XZdLQ4S0mxoBGuoJPkkpkzqXT7L/ALMzJqdcSWisPBcSORE+R+4+CSmykppZGfhYmSPXyK6S4Bjm AONz00aDMygP6zP/ACCSrYu/xb9McC05mUQ4QdWf+QQpXEg/8avo/wD3Lyf+h/5FFVq/8avo/wD3 c4HY3cW9vFJTuJKcvOqyPtYsqoyLW+0v9N2PscG67YyPdrEGI+KSk+NgCW3Xl7naxXYKjtBPjXWP 3 0 obj 3. SLX .. IUA A6 [50] [50]. Z9Vf/Lnp/wD7FU/+lElK/wCdn1V/8uen/wDsVT/6USUr/nZ9Vf8Ay56f/wCxVP8A6USUr/nZ9Vf/ Friction, starting torque, power loss Use SKF Bearing Select . 7fikp6rBy25tAtAa10+5jXB8SA5urfFjg75pKc36zNe/GDGNa4uY8e/bGpZ2sa5v3pKdhn0G/Acc adobe:docid:indd:9d2b4d4e-5cd5-11de-8088-98db8d4ca5ff WbtI51SU2asnHvJFNrLCNSGODoHyKSkqSlJKUkp5z6+dDd1zoFldTS67HPq1gCSRBa4D5GfkkkPj front wheel speed sensor bolt. Insert bearings (Y-bearings) Angular contact ball bearings . 42 lb in. 147/200[30] AIA [50] [50]. n/lHoX/pws/9sc9JSvqn/wCJXo3/AKb8X/zzWkp1klInB77XND3MAa0wA3kl3i0+CSl/Sf8A6V/3 -jG~S^ The starting torque of a rolling bearing is defined as the frictional moment that must be overcome by the bearing to start rotating, at an ambient temperature of 20 to 30 C (70 to 85 F). SKF-Front-Rear-Axle-Nut-Hub-Mount-Lug-Nut-Torque-Spec. 242/329 181/245 [50] [50]. Due to how the click-style wrench makes the click, it can lose its factory calibration. 5/xSU2MSz06GMycll9pLpsENDjJdAbuPAKSk3rU/vt1G4ajjxSUt9ox/9Kz/ADgkpb7Tj6/pWaTP endstream endobj 10 0 obj <>>> endobj 11 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[30.4684 30.4445 821.195 1254.98]/Type/Page>> endobj 12 0 obj <>stream Automender12345 said: Using the old front axle wheel hub retainer, seat the front wheel driveshaft joint in the hub. Do not use an impact gun to install the axle nut. 35. front lower control arm ground strap bolt. This is typically when a one-time use self staking nut secures the hub. Supercedes 457377 , Dated 2011. /Tq8+jI+xGs2usdDGMBL95/NDY7pJfZ+i4FP1a6TRVfY2t7yDkb3Q11rhJhx0EAQPGElronq/SwA >> 0MaeWiSkWeCcK8CZLDwdp48YMfckprdAn9ngO0Ie/Qua+PcTyyAkpu1fTt/rj/qGJKeXznWN6pa/ Front proc. saved 457377 2018 Torque specication guide Front & rear axle nut, hub mount and lug nut torque specications for FWD, RWD & 4WD vehicles. Use a qualified, calibrated torque wrench. JFIF K K C 1 0 obj 1M [92][101] Estate Wagon .. GMA . x`,412H$V/*LV$'I$t7!$iA}TGr, p"&"QhD)Z"3c=u Legend .. 242/335 206/285 Allroad [50] [50]. 155/210 Allure .. 118/160 . /QP9d/8A1TklOb1n/lHoX/pws/8AbHPSUr6p/wDiV6N/6b8X/wA81pKdZJSMfz7/AOoz8r0lOH9Z 6 134/182 202/280 AIA. 1 The Power of Knowledge Engineering SKF is your source for a wide range of products c various industries. } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br Over Torque of the axle nut will cause excessive load and cause the bearing to overheat, this is one of the most common causes for failures. PjEC+p4uqBMBxALS0nzDjHmrHKZhiyWdmtzmA5sdDd876u7Ky3dKouwPTyOmV2VXPtqaQ9gLW1Nd Wheels and tires are changing and so is the equipment we use to service them. /bh/9JpKVuyv9HX/ANuH/wBJpKVuyv8AR1/9uH/0mkpW7K/0df8A24f/AEmkpW7K/wBHX/24f/Sa , , ..1997-1999 .. 181/245 134/181 5000 202/280 ..1995-1998 .. 181/245 134/181 195/265 AIA..2001-2003 .. 181/245 134/181 80 195/265 236/320..1996-2007 .. 181/245 134/181 90 147/200[30] AIA.. 181/245 181/245 90 81/110[30] 89/120[30]. r/mn9Vf/ACm6f/7C0/8ApNJSv+af1V/8pun/APsLT/6TSUr/AJp/VX/ym6f/AOwtP/pNJSv+af1V AGJhJTbrrrqbsqa1jZJhoAEnnhJSnV1ucHOaCW6gkAkJKZJKUkpyes/8o9C/9OFn/tjnpKV9U/8A /pvxf/PNaSnWSUpJSySl0lKSUskpdJSklKSUpJSklKSUpJSklKSUpJSklKSUpJSklKSUpJSklOT1 0lxSU1/rGxr6qg5r3NAe5wYwWGPaDpIPfskp2G/REeA5SUwp+gf67/8AqnJKc3rP/KPQv/ThZ/7Y The plant will expand FDPs global production capability for highly engineered brake pads and shoes for the automotive industry. /iV6N/6b8X/zzWkp1klKSUpJSklKSUpJSklKSUpJSklKSUpJSklKSUtImO6SlJKXSUpJSxIHKSl0 Product range of over 1000 kits includes three generations of wheel bearing designs. /ca 1.0 It will also leave your spindle nut under or over Torque resulting in hub assembly failure. The impact gun will damage the axle nut. 5 Series RWD .. 221/300. +ogj6bu40SUlyKftFGVTzuPEAzDWGIdokp52vouXj7Ayixwr9zWtbWJJ01jY0fIpKeh6TjOxcGut BendPak Inc. has expanded its distribution agreement with Australian workshop equipment supplier Genesis Equipment to include the Cool Boss line of portable evaporative coolers. The Power of Knowledge Engineering SKF is your source for a wide range of products c various industries. 2010-10-11T17:12:46-05:00 WOa+QKDUHcOH/aghkapKav2PK3ClpyA2ABafssBpdqCPSd9EcafNJSHHoznZFdllOZUd4JM4Wxsn Supporting wheel . Bearing, Needle roller bearings, Needle, Roller, Needle roller bearings needle roller bearings, A supplement to SKF bearings and mounted products (pub #100-700) Ball bearing units and insert bearings, Unit, Bearing, Ball, Ball bearing units and insert bearings, Insert, CR Scotseal wheel seals competitive interchange View detailed technical and product videos at www.skfpartsinfo.tv Follow us on Twitter @skfpartsinfo to, Seal, Competitive, Wheel, Interchange, Scotseal wheel seals competitive interchange, Scotseal, 1 Table of contents 2 Preface 3 General 8 Pump bearings 19 Ball bearings in centrifugal pumps 28 Roller bearings in centrifugal pumps 33 Bearing technologies for the next generation pump, Pumps, Centrifugal, Bearing, Bearings in centrifugal pumps, The Power of Knowledge Engineering The power of lubrication SKF and Lincoln: The worlds most complete portfolio of lubrication systems and solutions, Power, Lubrication, The power of lubrication, The power of lubrication skf, QUALITY STATEMENT Taylor Made Oil Tools, Inc. is committed to providing products and services in compliance with the Quality Program that meet or, Product, Catalog, 2200, Product catalog 2002, Tupperware Parts Catalog Index Summer 2003 ITEM COMPONENT PART MOLD # Tupperware Confidential Revised 6/19/2003 Page 7 of 31 BOWL, WONDERLIER SET CONTD, Catalog, Index, Part, Summer, Tupperware parts catalog index summer, Tupperware, 20 PRODUCT CATALOG Specializing in Weather & Safety Protection Enclosures, Weather Brakes, Sunshades & Umbrellas GENERAL OFFICES 1132 WEST 1ST STREET, 4 90 MITCHELL BOULEVARD SAN RAFAEL, CALIFORNIA 94903 415 472-3195 FAX 415 472-1497 www.megacyclecams.com Apr 10, 2012 This 2005 catalog contains information on many new models as well as some new information (lobe centers, running clearance, etc . Use a qualified, calibrated Torque wrench. Most of the images displayed are of unknown origin. In order to make the right selection, you must do your homework while still remaining skeptical. The app is available in the Ansys Store free of charge. endstream endobj startxref 140/190[32] 140/190[32] 214/290 [40]. sHGZZW/Jqa5rm1MDmuaXyCCkp0v+dn1V/wDLnp//ALFU/wDpRJSv+dn1V/8ALnp//sVT/wClElK/ Nb8zokpp4HVRl5DqnupbLZrYx4c8w+xuoHkz70lN930T8Ckp40Md9mG01k+qdfV1gVtLodMaDln+ FWD FRONT AXLE NUT TORQUE . endobj 3. rBDMZ7QTJA9Ma/8AbiSlYZLqSS0tJst0MSP0j/AlJTE0ssy7C4uEV1/Re5v51v7pCSnLycy6nPfh NVLGNDQOHaNY2sfTDgfa1JSJ/RcN4Y07ttYhgMO26Mbpua6D7B/rKSl/2Ph+q273bmbImDArjaBI Putting the proper torque on the center axle nut sets the preload for the bearing and keeps the bearing from separating while in operation. /Type /XObject 242/329 [31] AIA. rotate the axle 5 to 10 times to seat the hub bearing, then. [114] 6 Series 155/210 74/100. tighten the spindle nut to a final torque of 263 ft-lbs I would just use a good impact gun to get it there. [51] [50]. and nuts that secure the wheel hub and tire. /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB +nW+eOBCSnXoDRTWGxtDQBHER8klI87+h3c/QPEz+GqSmr0Ez05vk+wch35x7ta1JTPNqbdiZbHE 98D/ALb+iUkvqPQeqN6v0yrLJHq/QuA0Ae3nTz5SQw6j0q7MyRcz0doa0fpBYXaF0/QsYI1SUwwu . AQBIAAAAAQAB/+4ADkFkb2JlAGQAAAAAAf/bAIQADAgICAgIDAgIDBALCwsQFA4NDQ4UGBITExMS Technical Resources for diagnosing and servicing undercar components. Torque Specifications Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 200 lbft (271Nm) While rotating wheels One full turn 50 lbft (68Nm) AR#zX$^0fYvjn~cJlo~0}d{/Oa]wtoE$ 0GE4ebJ+f+X2PUfV3oFH1fw3Y9bzdZY7fZYQGzAgADXQfFV+YznNK2xy/LjDGrt1VCztVnTserHG S4 147/200[30] 147/200[30]. 89.48 N-m. Years: All. FDP Virginia Inc., a manufacturer and supplier of aftermarket brake components, announces it will open a new North American friction manufacturing plant near Mexico City in early 2024. 102 0 obj <> endobj 143 0 obj <> stream P/pRJSv+dn1V/wDLnp//ALFU/wDpRJSv+dn1V/8ALnp//sVT/wClElK/52fVX/y56f8A+xVP/pRJ Yjd6rInbO4RI1hJSI9T6c3bOTUN43N9448eeElOBl/UnovV8u7qNWXaPXeXu9F7HM3H6Ue0pJtH/ All bearings are sealed for life with high performance, application-specific grease. 72.00 4tcxt8aSXkgR4d0lNjrIsPT3ioOc4uZAbV6x+kPzP49klOd0ynIZnUGxlzGbZl1IDJIun3DVnwP8 SKF lock nuts provide a variety of ways to secure the nut onto a shaft. mjcPomfbfP4JKbySlJKUkpSSlJKYue1g3PIaPEmAlVqY/aMf/Ss/zgjwlHEFfaMf/Ss/zglwlXEF Workshop fitment supplier adds Cool Boss portable evaporative coolers to lineup. Wheel bearing adjustment procedure SKF Group 2010 457373 Printed in U.S.A. (Revised 10/10) Manual adjustment 1) Lubricate the wheel bearing with clean axle lubricant of the . V8 147/200[30] 147/200[30] 5 Series RWD (E61).. 310/420. [33] 129/175 5 Series RWD (E60).. 310/420. M6 .. [115]. 147/200 214/290. www.skfprograms.com. Mayhew will also sponsor the Dominator Award, a prize given to the driver that leads the most laps in each feature event. iJVZtN7ofT/rtRbW/AwrsSC66fSZUBvcXFn6T0AW+5vskxrASM5gUNmTDDCZ3Mfn/L7X0L6sfWBv Not Helpful. This guide contains torque specifications and procedures for properly securing all domestic and import wheel bearing units. 3 Series AWD (E92,E93).. 310/420 [101] LaCrosse GMS GMS. xmp.iid:C673C3DA204311689457EA29257B0496 2014. 3 Series RWD (E92,E93).. [101] LaCrosse .. 118/160 . B12gmoa8/wCFM9u33pKdbpv/ACfjf8SzwP5o8JCSldSE9PyBprW4akDkeL/b9+iSkHQhHTK4cHS5 Back off the inner (adjusting) nut the appropriate amount as indicated by the chart at right; e.g., 1/6 of a turn for a 12-threads-per-inch front steer axle. AT93xSUq2mq9uy5jbGyDteA4SDIMHwSUjZg4Vd32ivHqZbJPqNY0Ol3PuAnVJSYiQR4iElON/wA2 From automotive to heav industrial applications, SKF offers a solution to k machines operating and your business profitable. f20VkZ5qNk6GndBED97zlJSdJSklNDrnUW9K6ZfmkhrmNO0u4mOflykp8sw/rd1/PvblevcxpO5r The lock nuts listed here constitute the basic SKF assortment. Z8 .. 221/300 GMA . 7Xvbt9YfQboeY0SU9M76J+HZJTyDJdjy1padSC7Krkw3je2Z/wBQkp69JTl52D0z13W5eQ+p9xHt C q" 72.00 214/290 8 Series. 3Iw.:>xh'QK|y7'O72&M DXj/AF4SnbGuoSU5fUMTobsguzhNzosLd9hMEsr3bWO0HtCSm7g4+LjY7W4bSyp8PAJdOoH7+vCS Additionally, Timken differentiates itself by including the required foot-pound torque needed not just for axle nuts, but also for flange bolts and wheel studs. Find the Make, Model, and Year on the chart. We understand the risks of an improperly installed wheel bearing, so continuing to deliver the technical know-how along with a quality product enhances our customers experience with our brand.. The Timken Company just added torque specifications to its automotive and heavy-duty aftermarket online catalog site, www.timkeninfo.com. 9 TT VWH VWH 5 Series AWD (E60).. 221/300 310/420. Starting torque. S2H1lz4L+BW4/mifmkp0TwY/D/akp5r7FnemJZll8Gdzml59kQ4t9vP7vfySU9Mkpwuo4uXblXua This assures the proper mating of the split inner rings of the bearing needed to achieve the proper internal clearance.
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