Voice Reference: Tim Allen. Financial investing has always been risky, and the risk has increased with a volatile world economy. Everybody has at least one. For more information, see ourPrivacy Policy. Being rich toward God seems a little obscure because you cant mail God a hundred bucks. 1. If thats so that your money reflects your heart, then what does YOUR checkbook about where your heart is? 6:7-9). On the way he had the encounter with God that we call Jacobs ladder. And he made a commitment to the Lord there: he said in :21, then YAHWEH will be my God and of all that You give me, I will surely give a tenth to You. That is the testimony of this church that God has taken very ordinary people who would make commitments like this and God has done incredible things. Visit AdventSource On-Line at www.adventsource.org for a complete list of the latest resources available for local church leaders. Because, Whatsoever is not of faith is sin. (Romans 14:23) And the Bible also says Without faith it is impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6) If everything is safe, you dont need any faith! Hypocrites do what they do hoping for the reward of being noticed by people here on this earth. Here are some creative marketing ideas (from a mix of banks, credit unions, digital banks and fintechs) that are keeping banking on its toes. Their whole lives are based on what they can get, what they can drive, what they can live in, how much they can store up. So when you put the two together, you see that promotional emails are a successful marketing strategy:. At some point most of us will consider taking some of the money that we have today and investing it so that it will grow for tomorrow. Now it takes FAITH to do that, because you cant see the treasures you have stored up in heaven. profitable returns. When we were at Walt Disney World a couple of years ago, with the room and board plan we got, we had so many credits for the restaurant and the store in our hotel. All rights reserved. Life is short, eternity is long. The Bible says, "Consider others as more important than yourselves" (Philippians 2:3). God would rather have you try to serve him and totally blow it, than do nothing. He committed suicide because he blew it. The rich get richer and the talented get more talented. Almighty God promises a reward for our service if we stay faithful in serving Christ (Gal. Contributed by Carl Willis on Apr 14, 2001. based on 24 ratings. It shows our heart commitment. Grab Their Attention: When you first start with your promotion speech, try to incorporate humor or anything else like random facts or something about your workplace to grab the attention of your audience! I couldnt see him, but I could hear a man up at the receptionists desk telling her: I lived in Houston for a short time several years back, and I could tell that is NOT where I wanted to live and invest my money in a home, etc. Investment is not simply another offering; it is a plan whereby an individual invests money, time, or effort in a faithful partnership with God for the purpose of supporting His world mission. They are sitting on the sidelines not in the game spectating and not participating. **NOTE: THIS IS A CONCEPT OUTLINE FOR THIS MESSAGE. MOTIVATION: Fear keeps me from developing my talent. Investment Promotion Handbook for Diplomats Implementing the promotion strategy The next step is to implement the promotion strategy in the target markets. And so for all of our married life when we are going to buy something I have asked Ok, now what column is this going to come out of? So as I said, Cheryl didnt say anything, but I figured she had to wonder: So where is THIS coming out of? I cant think of a greater thing than to stand before Jesus Christ one day and have him say, You dont have a whole lot to show for the first part of your life, but you did get serious with Me. COMPENSATION: If I use my talents, Im going to be rewarded. What is a good investment today? Most people just live for the things they can see around them. If I need more time, I give my time to God. Saving is a discipline that develops authority over money. 15-Second Sample Voice Over Script for Investment Services, 30-Second Sample Voice Over Script for Financial Institutions and Banking: Mortgages, 60-Second Sample Voice Over Script for Financial Institutions and Banking: Credit Repair. This is where diplomats come in. If you appreciate this site, you can say "Thank you!" The Christian life is not a relationship any more, its a routine. ; 76% of email subscribers have made purchases from an email marketing message. Whether you like it or not, its inevitable. . The question is for you today: DO YOU HAVE THAT FAITH? "how you invest your Someday hes going to ask me, What did you do with what you Fear causes me to make excuses for doing nothing. Let me ask it another way, are you content with life? See, Jacob made a spiritual commitment of his life to Yahweh as his God and one of the ways he showed that heart commitment was giving of the 1/10 to God. Self-doubt I could never do that; Im not qualified. Its the fear of failure. read more, Scripture: Paul uses this same Greek Bible word in II Corinthians 12:14 about how parents should save up to help their children. Close the doors. 83% of marketers say promotional videos give them a positive ROI, and Only whats done for Christ will last. The voice over should sound like a superhero coming to the rescue. It was the guy with the one talent. 1:18-24 sermon), Teacher's Overview: Lifeway's "Explore the Bible" lesson of John 18:28-40, "I Find No Fault", "God's Purpose For Your Life" (I Peter 2:4-5 sermon), "Following Jesus" (Matthew 4:18-22 sermon), "The Gift That Is An Insult" (I Kings 9:10-14), "How To Seek The Lord" (Isaiah 55:6-7 sermon), "Pressing On To Know the Lord" (Hosea 6:3 sermon), Teacher's Overview: Lifeway's "Explore the Bible" lesson of John 17:13-26, "I Pray", "The Disciple's Character" series (Beatitudes Mt. 4. They may be used during the worship service before But you need to find a place. Im going to get in the game. God has given me some talents. Count the cost before investing. The focus of their life is about accumulating cars and homes and collections and investments and they are going to lose it ALL. Are you content in your Christian life? Lutheran. Use it or lose it. This time try your hand at practicing these real estate sample scripts. Do you know? Proverbs 24:27. Where your treasure or investment is, there your heart will be! Please see below for details. ' (Matthew 25:21), Affirmation Well done. I cant think of anything better than to stand before Jesus Christ and have him say, Good job, Rick. 2. God expects me to use those talents. Melancthon, I later learned, was a powerful force of the Reformation. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also (Matt. You do have a talent. Fundraising videos require a major investment but are just one element of your collective marketing strategy. You didnt come into this world with anything and youre not going to take anything out of this world. Baptist,
 document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); A Southern Baptist pastor for almost 35 years, I currently serve as Senior Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Angleton, Texas, and post my weekly sermons on this site, as well as a brief overview for Sunday School teachers of the weekly Lifeway "Explore the Bible" lesson. In it he gives seven principles for investing your life: 1. Because this is what typically goes through our minds: If Im just a one-talent person, and therefore not a superstar, Im not going to do anything. What matters is what direction your feet are headed when you land. Start seeing green and call us today. Invest your life; invest your money; invest your time  in saving up treasures in heaven that can never be taken away. While we were there, we were in WalMart and i saw some little Indianapolis Colts cheerleader outfits and I thought, I just HAVE to get those for the girls. A lot of people are always looking for a good investment, where they will get a good return, and especially where it will be safe. At  So what you can do is go down to the little store there in the foyer of the restaurant and spend those credits before you leave. We dont believe everybody is supposed to be a member of this church. (LogOut/ Strong, authoritative and convincing. PDF Secure Investments Youth A Concept Sermons Book Reviews.  God guaranteed it to us by raising Him up again."                         *other.                             
 So Im never going to try again. Thats like saying, I ate at a restaurant once and it was bad food so I decided Id never enter another restaurant. It doesnt make sense. Put an X on the line showing what percentage of your talent you are using for God right now. Sadly, the government has taken this prerogative away from us to some extent, but we can still give to help others in need in our church body, as we do from time to time, and other individual cases that God lays on our hearts  and when we give to groups like Burke United Christian Ministries. What are you investing your life in? Jesus was leaving Jericho. 2. But he had nothing to give. Our pace of life often becomes so fast that we speed past ministry opportunities. Or design a better world   To minimize any loss, spread out the risk(Eccles. And of course the tragedy was, as she sat and watched her house and everything in it burn, that block of ice  the only thing that she saved  melted away, and she had nothing. The study of these seven principles will make a major difference in your life. Chantelle holds a Bachelor of Arts degree with a specialization in Journalism from the University of Torontos joint program with Centennial College. Do you remember when you were in school and the teacher asked a question you knew the answer to but you thought there might be a chance youd be wrong so you didnt raise your hand? A LETTER OF CONCERN- INVEST IN OTHERS                         
 Your community. Ever since this latest recession has struck, a lot of people have been glued to CNN, Fox News and other such news, listening to
                             Joshua 24:1-13. Schedule an appointment to get your free credit report today. Several years ago, Donald Trump said this in an interview: Ill be 36 next year and Ive done everything I can do. He had another appointment. You need to make a commitment and not be a shopper  a hopper  who floats around. .                             read more, Scripture: 
 The subject is investing.  WebGods Investment Plan Even though Hannah leaves the tabernacle singing, she also leaves behind little Samuel. Step 1: Login to Student Portal. All Rights Reserved. Their spiritual life has gone flat.  And thats why tithing is such a big deal in the church. The book, Randy C. Alcorn, Money, Possessions and Eternity,  referenced by the author is also listed in our extra resources for this quarter. Listeners should feel comfortable to approach Creative Credit Solutions without fear of judgment. I forfeit it if I dont use it.  To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability. (Matthew 25:15). There are plenty of things to waste it on. Anywhere on earth you live, there can be hurricane, or tornado, or flood, or fire, or thieves, or stock market crash, or real estate bust  or none of those things happens, when you die, everything crashes, and you lose all of it! Music and meditation (10 minutes). Faith is what the Christian life is all about  believing in what we cant see. If you are here today and youre looking for proof that Jesus and heaven is real, youre looking for the wrong thing. investment   opportunities   that   would   yield  This very night your soul is required of you; and now who will own what you have prepared? Everything hed saved up was lost!  The other man remains unknown. World Bank Group Investment Generation Toolkit,  Resources for Promoting Private Sector Development, Girls Clubs, Boys Clubs & Mothers Clubs, Accra Report: Networks and Knowledge for Community Resilience-Building in Ghanas Capital, Ayawaso Sub-Metro Education Infrastructure Report, Columbia University Website Cookie Notice. Even though your best-laid plans may not seem to materialize just as you might desire, and the return from your investment seems small, be true to your work and God will surely reward your efforts. It also offered assistance in the form of capacity building of local staff and advice on appropriate business support services, and has focused on developing strategies and executing campaigns to target and win new investment in productive private sector enterprises. If I use it wisely, Ill be rewarded.                             read more, Scripture: 
 Some of your activities should be viewed as  How? When you cut through all the excuses, its fear that keeps you from using your talents.                         
 11:1-2). Talents are abilities, resources, skills or opportunities  all of the things that God has given, including spiritual gifts. Series: Action [#98] I give it to you, whatever it is.  Intro                         Christian/Church Of Christ, INTRODUCTION WebPromotional talk on Investment - YouTube By Sis. Do you always seem to be a bit short on cash at the end of the month?  Jesus tells us here that there is a better investment for you than these temporary earthly things: invest your treasure in heaven, where it can never be taken  (show video from Steven Curtis Chapman "The Great Adventure) This is the sin of inactivity, the sin of passivity. There is a better investment for you than that, by storing up your treasures in heaven. He multiples it when we place it in the Masters hand. This world is NOT a good place to invest your treasures. Your email address will not be published.  It is the beginning of a New Year.                             read more, Scripture: 
 Build a brighter future for yourself and your loved ones.                         
 (LogOut/ He holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Luther Rice Seminary, a Master of Divinity from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of Georgia. Self-pity  Ive failed in the past so many times. Why do we play it safe?             comment:     
. 3. Without that hope, we only have what all others have, the here and now, and most live as if there is no tomorrow to reckon with. Buffett is widely considered the most successful investor of the 20th century, and the Berkshire Hathaway CEO is known for nuggets of wisdom like this one. TikTok will host a presentation closed off to press, while YouTube, Meta, Snap and others talk short-form video By Garett Sloane and Parker Herren . Set a faith goal an O for the next six months. Behind every support specialist, Bible study editor, graphic designer, and accountant is a Sunday School teacher, kids volunteer, or small group leader. you cant see your intercessory prayer doing any good, but you believe that it does. Jesus modeled genuine service by slowing down and seeing the big picture. "I dont understand it," he said, "people are always talking how generous you are, giving them cream and milk and butter for their daily use. The point in saving is to have resources available for our living Well Ive taken the liberty to re-write the words from the standpoint of He also served with compassion. *Events are organised alphabetically. Would it have a large wrap around porch and a lot of green space for a garden? Its a spiritual issue. When Cheryl & I were serving in our first church, I visited in the home of a little senior adult lady from our congregation, and she told me a story about one of her relatives, from back in the old days I guess back in the 1920s & 1930s. 1. Published on April 28, 2023. . First, we should reach out to all people. read more, Investing in our body is a sound investment that brings balance to our lives and enhances our Chrisitan service and Spiritual discipleship, MAKING SOUND INVESTMENTS FOR THE NEW YEAR These sample scripts can help guide you and inspire you to create a compelling commercial. WebThe PFI looks at 12 different policy areas affecting investment: investment policy, investment promotion and facilitation, competition, trade, taxation, corporate governance, finance, infrastructure, developing human resources, policies to promote responsible business conduct and investment in support of green growth, and lastly broader issues In all these ways and more, we can give to Gods Kingdom work, and store up investments in heaven which can never be taken away. This is one of my favorite texts. A look at the two main places we should invest our money if we want to be "rich toward God" (Luke 12:21). We can use some of these things to get through life, and to provide for our families. Its time to get your financial situation in order. So we know the money we have in the bank isnt just there to spend; so much of it saved each week for the house payment, so much for insurance, so much for the upcoming electric bill, etc. And dont you see, that tragic event in that poor ladys life, is exactly how it is going to be for a lot of US, if we dont heed Jesus words here? If you cant do it well, dont do it! Voice Reference: David Attenborough. Short Promo Video will work with you to create engaging content that successfully connects with your target audience and helps achieve your goals. All the stuff of this world is just like that big block of ice; one day its all just going to melt every bit of it. :19 Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal.. But you only have that by faith. Hi Nasrul, Were happy to hear that youd like to give voice over a try! Required fields are marked *. 2. The greater the privilege the greater the responsibility. Global Transact is an investment services company specializing in setting up clients with the investments that will work best for them based on their financial needs and situations. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. For information about additional resources and answers to your questions call the Adventist Plusline at 1-800-732-7587 or visit them on-line at www.plusline.org. Jesus did not serve for compensation. There are no recessions, risks, thieves, or market downturns. Investment Money Money Materials Materials Time Time What Jesus is showing us here in Matthew 6 is that THIS is how we as Christians should see our material possessions. Peter, on the other hand, wept bitterly, told God he was sorry and picked himself up. The Partnership worked with key public and private sector actors in each of these three cities to identify promising sectors and opportunities for investment in productive enterprises. It is a contract bound by faith. Registration Guide. I dont believe in reincarnation, heaven, or hell. When you collect things, you see them in front of you every day. And he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. If we give willingly and cheerfully to God, we are ensured for time and eternity. How many people in Houston and throughout southeast Texas today are looking at flooded homes and businesses and saying: Everything I have lived for; everything I have worked for, is GONE! swept away in that flood. Evaluate yourself. There was once a missionary meeting in a church in Scotland. Are you giving, and saving, and spending, like you believe in another, a better, and an unseen world? Today we are going to look at a subject that most people start considering at some point in our lives. Second, start growing, maturing and developing. you cant see the Holy Spirit come into your life, but you believe He is there Its not whether you reach it or not, its the effort that counts. Evaluate what percent of your money you are investing in Gods kingdom. Matthew 6:19-24. Chances are, youre one of many entrepreneurs God is going to ask you, What did you do with what I gave you? You didnt choose to be born in America and enjoy the freedom you have here, what did you do with it? 20:34). Matthew 3:7 In his excellent book on service, Charles Swindoll shares a convicting anecdote of the way we often approach Christian service (Swindoll, Improving your serve, Word Books, 1981, p.29). Gender: Male or Female. Youve been faithful with little things; Ill trust you with more. God cant trust many of us with great blessings because were not faithful with the little. Lets say goodbye to high interest rates, maxed out credit cards, overdue loans and constant badgering from collection agencies. What was his masters reaction? Help us make our lives count. UTILIZATION: Its wrong to bury what God gave me. Since 2005, the biggest and most beloved brands have trusted Voices to help them find professionals to bring their projects to life. Little becomes much when you put it in the masters hand. SLIDE #1 - Matthew 6:20; Luke 19:13. Jesus added in :21-24: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Be fearful when others are greedy. We excuse ourselves from ministry by pointing to people who are more talented and saying, Let them do it, God. I have a phrase when it comes to ministry If its worth doing, its worth doing poorly. I hate the phrase, If its worth doing, its worth doing well. That cuts out about 95 percentof us. 1 Chronicles 29:8 As an experienced writing professional and digital media enthusiast, she has worked with many companies to enhance their online presence by creating engaging content across their online platforms. Make it fit for yourself in the field; You can purchase these by calling AdventSource (800-328-0525), the Adventist Book Center (800-765-6955) or your local Christian bookstore. Well, quite honestly, that is pretty easy to SAY. Just like your eye guides your whole body, so your spiritual commitment is going to lead your use of money and everything else in your life. - The investment sites that give you all the resources to figure out where to invest I dont have time He made you for a purpose. If I dont its not just a casual matter. What matters is the effort trying! | 2,908 Wherever your mind goes and whatever your dream consists of, Spendy Mortgage Brokers can help you get there. This is God's method: service. If I say the wrong answer, Im going to look like a real dork! God says thats fine for kids but it doesnt cut it as an adult! Melancthon was the opposite, yet both made great contributions. And its the same way with our eternal investments in heaven. You have been faithful with a few things I will put you in charge of many things. "Brothers and sisters in Christ we must invest our lives to Jesus. God expects me to use those talents. Take a moment to think about the last week and make a mental list of what all you have taken and what all you have given. You can ask your church Sabbath School or church ministries secretary to add your name to the list of those who should be receiving a copy, or you can order a personal subscription through your Adventist Book Center at 1-800-765-6955 or www.adventistbookcenter.com. Step 5: Search for your event in the calendar of events. But listen to me: what is happening in Texas this week should be a lesson for us all: This isnt just them. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THEIR STUFF IS EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN ONE DAY TO EVERYTHING WE HAVE! Build image and market city to national, regional and international investors. An investment that always provides a positive return is If you have not specifically joined a church family, why not? Some describe the special gifts distributed by the Holy Spirit to equip us for effective ministry. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. I thank God everyday for my mom- She has invested much into my life That one talent, wisely used, will accomplish its appointed work. If I dont use my mind, I lose it it becomes mentally dull. MY contention is that everyone is a I shudder to think of some of the excuses given while standing before our pure Savior excuses why no attempt was made to get involved helping other people and serving others. Investments God makes in producing a To watch/listen to this message online go to www.newsongs.org or contact info@newsongs.org. Think But, he stopped! WebPromotional Caps Australia- How To Choose The Best Ones (1) - Most of the companies look for highly valuable products as the promotional gifts.
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