Psychological Needs - normal, - Death anxiety Fatigue Acknowledge pt's decision Check pleurovac Concepts of Nursing IV 80% (5) Advise pt. Assess stool Teach Cameron Contact social services Put side rails up -Contact the Provider to tell them the patients pathology report has returned, and Mr. Clinton is anxious to know the findings of his pathology report Electrolyte imbalance, risk for Neurological - normal Scenario #3 Administer nebulizer Anxiety: False -Gas exchange 1-Do not give out any information without consent from the patient Administer digoxin immune Fab 240mg (6 vials) Complete initial Inspect catheter Instruct pt. Administer diluted iron Scenario #5 Impaired mobility, risk for teaching Scenario 4 ambulate Adjust crutches Establish when the cardiac event time began Wash and glove Refer caller to contact health department Scenario 4 Obtain additional support Obtain VS Don PPE Check IV 3-Supplement Oxygen 2-The patient was admitted yesterday and a newly diagnosed diabetic. joyce workman swift river quizlet. Inspect pain location Explain to pt. Impaired Mobility: True Provide for physical Fall, risk for Health Change - increased Take VS & provide pt. - Neurological - normal Pain Level: Increased acuity Psychological Needs: Increased acuity, Physiological - Medicate pt. Wash & glove Scenario 5 Reassess pt. This morning, at shift report, she states that she is scared to leave the hospital after the shooting incident. Educate pt Notify HCP - Health Change - increased Secure dressing Establish large IV access Risk for infection Fall, Risk for: True Pain - increased Psychological needs: Normal acuity Sensorium: Normal acuity, Educational Needs: Increased acuity Scenario #5 Should I be concerned about having sex w/ him? Scenario 2 Scenario 5 Educate pt. Scenario #2 Apply NC O2 Adjust crutches Anxiety False 1-Enter the room, perform hand hygiene, and cancel the call light Teach pt. Rank as most concerning for labs Therapeutic communication The labs return w/ digoxin level of 10.5 ng/mL, K 5.3 mEq/L. Connect telemetry Keep Mr. Clinton Disturbed Sensory Perception False Joyce Workman, Joyce Workman, 42- year old female who presents to the Diabetes Clinic with a new diagnosis of type II diabetes. 4-Stop the conversation immediately 5-Request form from medical records for patient release of information Fall Risk: Normal acuity If pt. 4 Psychological abuse Document Scenario #3 Therapeutic Communication Administer IV ABX 3-Ask the patient what she can see Thanks! Check physician orders Scenario 3 Insert Foley catheter according to hospital recommended guidelines, to ensure sterility of catheter. - Hopelessness Bleeding, risk for: False Administer IV ABX Kenny Barrett -Inform Mr. Goodman that he must fill out a form requesting the medical records Scenario #5 Provide comfort Pain - increased In the afternoon, Ms. Como is stating that she does not want to see her husband or any visitors. Scenario #4 Complete full pt. Assis pt. Assess pain Upon entering the room, it was noted that she appeared to be asleep, eyes closed, possibly experiencing a bad dream Check the foley Document all findings Educate pt. Use therapeutic Present health assessment including BP and LOC and dressing. Swift River Linda Pittmon scenario; Swift River Preston Wright scenario; Blood Therapy lesson 2 post test; Blood Therapy Exam; HESI Case Study Sentinel Event Suicide; Acid base balance - SVery informational for students Scenario 2 Scenario #6 Assess/inspect 1-Introduce yourself to the patient and explain who you are Assess last medication - Constipation, risk for Disturbed personal identity: True Impaired comfort Obtain & verify Scenario 2 Scenario 4 Scenario #1 Notify the HCP Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Scenario #5 Document, - Educational Needs - increased He is a patient of Dr. Adams. ID pt. -Explain to Mrs. Barkley that you are going to change her linens After 15 minutes, the pts rhythm returns, but he is still unresponsive. Offer full AM bath Scenario #5 Scenario #3 Explain the procedure to Ms. Horton Release restraints Document results Accompany pt. Notify HCP Scenario 2 Scenario #4 Infection: True. Rape-trauma syndrome: True Bleeding Risk: False Provide medical hx including medication hx and allergies Expert Answer. Her temp is 100.8, BP 100/62, P 92, R 21, SpaO2 91. Scenario 2 Swift River Linda Pittmon scenario. Med-Surg SR. 83 terms. Explain to surgeon Verify call light Marcella Como 7. Impaired mobility: True Reassure Mr. Jones Document Reassess pt. Administer protocol antidirrheal medication Scenario 5 Ask Hildegard Asses pt. Initiate secondary Check pedal cap refill Deficient knowledge Explain the tx plan for the pt Scenario #5 Upon entering the room, the pt is crying and asks when will the medication fix her heart. Document in the pt record Scenario 3 -Inform the patient that he will have plenty of time to decide, and the Provider will discuss all the options with you understanding, Acute pain Place personal aspirin Glucose regulation Impaired mobility: True Provide information, Educational Needs - increased Have IV abx amiable to administer when surgery calls for the pt to be transferred to pre op area. Verify call light/ bed safety precautions Upon entering the room, you find Mr. Sturgess is quiet, appears tense and rigid but states, "I am feeling fine." Ineffective self-health mgmt: True Scenario 3 Review with Mrs. Workman -Administer pain medication and call provider for a fentanyl or hydromorphone hydrochloride prescription. Full assessment Explain how surgery Pt. Educational needs: Increased acuity Allow family Assess understanding -Check her blood glucose Educate pt. Scenario #2 - Pain - normal Prepare and administer What should be included in the B? Label the sporophyte plant stages of the life cycle. Fall Risk: Normal acuity Educate pt Safety- Perform hand hygiene and don gloves She, states she leads a sedentary lifestyle as a bank officer. Scenario #3 - Impaired comfort Explain to Mr. and Mrs. Initiate I&O 4-Notify anesthesia to come to the floor to evaluate the patient. Document results She also takes Metformin to control her Type 2 Diabetes. She presses the call light w/ questions about who her RN will be and her NG-tube. Scenario 3 She is very excited about the surgery but is also apprehensive. 2/23/22 VCBC Glucose Regulation Swift River #1 Dotty Hamilton Room 301 Dosage of metformin? Educate pt Anxiety Complete full assessment Assessment of bowel movement 500 mL NS bonus Complete bed bath Report discrepancy Reassess VS 2. View new-patients-swift-river-med-surg-covid-new-patients-charlie-raymond-john-duncan-carlos-mancia-kenny from NURSING 11B at Long Beach City College. Verify call light/bed safety precautions Check for cognition Establish when the cardiac Medicate When the HCP What are your views, please? Provide report to ER RN, Educational Needs: Increased acuity Encourage to ambulate w/ assistance to void if needed Call rapid response Impaired verbal communication, Scenario #1 Use therapeutic communication/active listening Provide an exercise routine Assess Mr. Jones Use teach back Call RRT Scenario #4 Fall Risk: Increased acuity Assess dressing supply Scenario #4 Begin fluid and electrolyte Start O2 Ineffective health maintenance Use therapeutic Contact nursing supervisor Obtain IV access and draw initial labs Impaired mobility: False Check surgical consent for correct procedure and make sure operative site is marked. Scenario #5 Administer ordered meds -Ask the patient if she has reviewed her advance directive recently. Take vitals Scenario 3 Obtain bear hugger Health Change: Increased acuity Teach pt. Draw stat D-Dimer Health Change: Increased acuity 1 Ask for a copy of the advance directive Scenario 1 Mr. Sturgess is recently dx w/ metastatic cancer of colon and he and his family have chosen only palliative care. Apply triple abx ointment to edges of wound each dressing change 3.) Alert Mr. Wright's case manager of concerns of home environment. Functional ability Inspect cast site Grieving Sensorium: Normal acuity, Physiological- Full assessment Notify lead RN Hydrocodone 5 mg Acetaminophen 325 mg (Norco 5mg) 1-2 tablets every 3-4 hrs PRN moderated to severe pain #30. Request possible change Insert new IV Scenario #2 Scenario #3 Document rhythm Verify Call Light/Bed Safety precautions Inform the pt. Scenario #3 Ongoing debates? Provide pt. Document results Post CVA, he has developed some aphasia and is having difficulty with verbal communication. Mr. Mancia is a non-English speaking pt and is fearful of being discovered as an illegal immigrant. Perform neuro assess Nutrition Fall, for Risk: False Give SBAR Nutrition: True Monitor for adverse effects Begin list of medications and time/dose given. Discuss with HCP NrsSR22. 3-Notify the physician that the patient may be suffering from alcohol withdrawal. Evaluate pt's understanding Sensorium - normal, Deficient fluid volume -Check the pulse ox on your finger Scenario #3 Document necessary She has sleep apnea, and she brought her CPAP machine. Scenario 3 Document results/findings Contact social services -Review plan of care verbally with the patient Foul odor noted w/ green drainage coming from toenail beds. Joyce Workman Scenario 1 Mrs. Workman presented to the diabetes clinic and provided a 24- hour food recall. Educate Mrs. Workman Scenario #2 Evaluate understanding Donald Lyles, 52-year old male, was admitted yesterday evening for stabilization of his uncontrolled type II diabetes. Document & inform Re-apply new sterile dressing VOCN300 Swift River Medical-Surgical American Career College 1. Evaluation pt after consult Pale pt. Ensure family member Provide initial Scenario 5 Scenario 4 Ask Mr. Jones Verify call light/bed safety precautions 3 -Check the chart for the updated advance directive Impaired Gas exchange: False Pain - increased - Ineffective health maintenance Vital assessment Request possible change in medication and more frequent VS checks Offer bedpan Have the pt. We need to stop the bleeding Health Change - increased Read PT Wash and glove hands Scenario #2 Assess for contraindications Retrieve cast removal tool Notify lead nurse - Pain - normal Psychological Needs - normal, Acute pain Perform initial Explain to Mr. Burgandy Obtain an order to insert a Foley catheter She is 2 days post-op. Teach the pt. Provide emesis basin/cloth Reassess pt. As you enter the room, Mr. Duncan is refusing to eat foods from bland diet Offer to the family Use therapeutic communication to explain necessary procedure. Safety on telemetry Notify doctor Scenario 5 Paroxetine (Paxil) 30mg PO everyday. Initiate medication Encourage PO fluids 9.) and legs. Health Change: Increased acuity Mr. Sturgess does not have a living will or durable power of care completed. Psychological Needs - increased, Acute pain IV fluids of D5 1/2 NS are infusing at 100 mL/hour to his right forearm. Encourage Mr. Wright to include high protein snacks in his diet Perform a focused assessment Psychological Needs: Increased acuity, Physiological- Announce, "CLEAR Explain to the pt. Assess stress level Chronic pain: False Evaluate understanding Explain to the pt. Notify family -Record what and how much the patient eats - Self-care deficit, Scenario #1 Encourage the HCP Fall Risk: Increased acuity At 2200, you enter the room and the pt states pain is now 10/10 after not having any pain for 3 hrs. Ms. Monson has been in restraints f or the past two hours w/ a nursing assistant remaining w/ her. Esteem: False Auscultate Begin strict Perform focused Assess pt. Scenario 5 Include pt. Follow HIPPA protocol The HCP is requesting an update on sacral wound healing. Use therapeutic communication/active listening Clinical 2. Hemoglobin Reapply restraints chp 19 managerial accounting connect. Establish and IV line Estelle Hatcher Use therapeutic communication/ active listening Reassure the pt. Infection, risk for, Scenario #1 VS assessment Ensure pt. Call the physician Health Change: Increased acuity Document Psychological Needs: Increased acuity Safety- Safety - Educate caller Medicate - Infection, risk for, Scenario #1 Remove the dinner tray Scenario #3 Have nursing personnel in the room when family visit, Gas exchange Pt received furosemide Lasix 20mg, IVP x2, on Claforan Q4, and on sliding scale insulin. Provide operative summary of type of procedure, IV fluid and pain status. You arrive in room to find Ms. Monson talking to herself. Remove NG-tube Explain in lay . Educate family regarding active listening and open communication Apply clean dressing Scenario #2 Risk for injury related to falls, Scenario #1 -Put tray on bedside table and align to a comfortable eating position Scenario #3 Obtain urinary Complete neuro Upon entering the room ww/ a translator to admit him to the hospital, he is asked for address and phone number but refuses to comply Initiate bolus Deficient knowledge Psychological Needs: Normal acuity diagnosis of type II diabetes. Scenario 4 Scenario #2 7/3/2014 1 0 0 0 7/3/2014 100 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0. nur104 Swift river scenarios Exams study guides . Administer pain meds All 5 toes on the right foot are necrotic, absent pedal pulses, skin cold to touch, appearance dry, cracked and black up to mid-calf. Offer assistance Scenario #5 Health Change - increased Use therapeutic communication/Active listening Instruct pt to lie supine for 6 hours Notify the HCP using SBAR Document Scenario #5 Remain w/ pt, Educational Needs: Increased acuity Connect pt to cardiac monitor, assess vital signs Place call light and check bed for safety Scenario #5 Carlos Mancia 11. Pt has a hx of COPD, HTN, DM II, and a recent MI. Risk for infection Notify HCP Impaired tissue integrity: True Post op day 3 time for dressing change stump. education She was asymptomatic upon arrival. Sensorium - increased, - Electrolyte imbalance Assess vital Wet to dry dressing w/ triple abx ointment to wounds. Verify call light/bed safety precautions Psychological Needs: Normal acuity, Carlos Mancia Encourage PO fluids Administer pain meds Don appropriate PPE Scenario 3 Clean wound site Use therapeutic Document and accompany, - Educational Needs - increased Scenario 3 Don PPE and have PCT assist w/ connecting the pt to telemetry Establish responsiveness Scenario 3 - Anxiety Scenario #4 Assess vital results Position the pt properly Document, Educational - increased Education of F/C procedure Review pain medication order The pt continues to be combative while attempting to initiated the CPAP trial. -Provide PRN pain medications indicated. Pain Level: Normal acuity Assess Mr. Martinez's willingness to learn. Provide report, - Educational - increased Initiate IV Ensure documentation Safety- 1Suggest that the family Facetime/video chat, Coping Reassess pain level An empty syringe is noted in the bed. 3 terms. He has a history of a Myocardial Infarction, MI, one year ago, and has refused all cardiac rehab, and has not had another cardiac event. Pain level: Increased acuity Document results and findings Julia Monroe 14. Start secondary IV Use therapeutic communication to comfort pt. -Assess his airway Complete full assessment He tells you he wished he "had died from the attackI'll never be the same." Acute Pain: False - Disturbed personal identity Repeat H&H Physical mobility, impaired: False Reassess VS & obtain UA Therapeutic communication Fall Risk - increased Fall, Risk for True Evaluate outcome Nutrition She was asymptomatic upon arrival. Scenario #4 Retake VS Pt does respond partially to commands. Educate pt as to why he cannot go outside and smoke Discuss lifestyle choices Assign a UAP Ensure the pt. Notify doctor Skin integrity, impaired: True Infection, risk for, Scenario#1 Visual assess Reinforce dressing Give 1 mg of Atropine, IVP as ordered by provider Scenario #5 -Obtain second witness for signing of discharge plan, Anxiety 50 terms. Attain fluids/fiber diet and assisted ambulation Her skin is warm and dry. Intubated by Evaluate understanding Wash/glove hands Full assessment Make sure accurate wt. Proved PRN on 100% O2 Ask Mrs. Whitmore Document, Physiological Wound site clean, dry and intact NPO, NG-tube to low continuous suction. Retake VS (BP 110/70, P 94) Remind Mr. Jones Ensure pressure dressing Scenario 2 Infection, Scenario #1 of need Safety- - Bleeding, risk for Proved additional teaching Report Mr. Martinez's emotional distress to case management Scenario #5 Nutrition Ask nursing manager, Acute pain Scenario #2 Obtain a sitter Altered body image: False Swift River- Pediatrics. Present health assessment Contact Social Services Explain rationales She was admitted yesterday for stabilization, of her glucose levels and to assist her with lifestyle modification. PT to educate Evaluate understanding She was asymptomatic upon arrival. Sarah Kathryn Horton Scenario #4 Fall Risk: Increased acuity Wash and glove hands Notify the social worker, Acute pain Remove the lunch tray -Notify the provider after stopping the infusion Nausea: False -Orient patient to bathroom with specifics Explain S/Sx Fall Risk - normal Bleeding, risk for & wife Eliminate as many distractions as possible. Give 1L NS Scenario #4 Mr. Wright insists that he watches TV from the Hight Fowler's position. Nausea Re-apply new sterile dressing. Reorient pt. Provide emotional Encourage Scenario 2 Scenario #3 - Electrolyte imbalance, risk for Robert Sturgess 4. Sensorium: Normal acuity, Physiological- Fall, risk for: True They feel that you should share w/ them if he was a "real AIDS" pt or not. Notify charge nurse -Inform Mr. Goodman that his girlfriend called about his status. 3-Have UAP gather fresh linens Assess VS & UO 2-Stop the infusion Scenario #4 You return to the break room on your floor. Self-care deficit: False Scenario #5 Document Check for breathing Ask open-ended Scenario #4 Document results and findings Document pt's statements Talk w/ her stating surgery is over and she did great Sensorium - normal, - Acute pain Provide emotional support Explain s/sx of wound infection. Put an arm band Assess for fall risk to Mr. Raymond weighs 260 lbs. Explain to the pt. Approach resident Use therapeutic communication to re-orient and provide reassurance Scenario 5 Alert? Assist the pt back to bed Health Change: Increased acuity Educate Ms. Horton Call for code Perform circulatory Scenario #3 - Pain - increased 44 terms. Other Quizlet sets. Scenario 1 Impaired gas exchange: False Deficient knowledge -Assess peripheral vision Do not disturb Assist Mr. Jones Fall, Risk for: True Scenario 1 - Impaired gas exchange Scewl Swift River Nursing 100. . Health Change - increased Fall Risk: Increased acuity Health Change - increased to verify Encourage pt. She was admitted yesterday for stabilization of her glucose levels and to assist her with lifestyle modification. Assure pt. -Administer the hydromorphone hydrochloride Increase supplemental O2 Risk for malnutrition: True Scenario #5 Place pt on PCA pump Document results and findings Started on Atenolol 50mg, 1x/day. Deficient knowledge: True Acute pain Notify physician Impaired comfort Clean and obtain IV pole Health Change - increased Stop the platelets Place the syringe in a biohazard bag and place a pt id label on bag Electrolyte Imbalance, Risk for: True joyce workman is newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Scenario 5 Contact hospice/social work Validate NPO Scenario 5 Monitor and evaluate Mrs. Stukes is feeling nauseated. Scenario 5 Administer anit-pyretics Pain Level: Normal acuity Scenario #2 Imbalanced nutrition -Inform the patient that we cannot honor her current advance directive Collect pre-op labs Apply NCO2 Complete initial assessment Reassess VS -Evaluate pain on a scale of 1-10 Psychological Needs: Increased acuity & family Scenario #4 Ineffective breathing pattern, Scenario #1 Medicate Interviewing pt. You are now preparing for d/c. Clarify w/ Mrs. Martinez that she is asking if it is okay to resume sexual relations w/ her husband upon d/c. Document Ethical issues for practice? Psychological Needs - increased Secure sitter to stay w/ Ms. Barkley after the insertion of the new IV. Monitor and evaluate fluid intake Check pedal capillary refill Fall Risk: Increased acuity Scenario #2 The pt states, "I am sick to my stomach and feel like I have bugs crawling all over me!!!" Scenario #4 Reassess respiratory Upon assessment, you determined that she is confused to person, time, and place but is easily directable. . IV with NS @ 125 mL/ hr. Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Give Me Liberty! Educate the family regarding intervention and support for Ms. Horton Scenario #5 Place pt. Deficient knowledge: True Her husband who is present stats, "I thought it was just a lumpectomy she was having this morning." Pt is scheduled for and ECG and MRI this AM. Obtain blood (culture #2) Notify lead RN/Dr Constipation: False Scenario #4 VS assessment Scenario 5 Check pupils Offer resource assistance to caller Notify healthcare provider She was admitted yesterday for stabilization of her glucose levels and . She has been documented as being obese, new onset hypertension, polyuria, and a rash on her abdomen. privacy Safety- Initiate incident report, Acute pain Educational Needs: Increased acuity Tissue integrity Fall Risk: Increased acuity Grieving: False In his confusion, he becomes combative and pulls out his IV. Sensorium - normal, Acute Pain Scenario #3 Acute Pain: True Health Change - increased Psychological Needs - increased Scenario 3 Pain Level: Increased acuity Assess understanding Extensive discharge - Anxiety Fall, Risk for: True -Request a volutrol/metered indwelling urinary catheter bag when they return form the OR. -Reassess wound site mary_heath32. Blood lab tests 5.) Impaired tissue perfusion: True Scenario 1 Evaluate caller Continue frequent VS, Acute pain Explain in laymen terms Remind CODE team to stop CPR and check for pulse Q5 minutes -Sit at the patient's eye level and ensure they can see your lip movement and facial expression Don PPE - Fear Assess toe movement and cap refill Neurological - normal, Chronic pain Use therapeutic Contact charge nurse to bed - Noncompliance Apply O2 at 2LNC Ms. Cumble states that she has not had a BM for three days Fall, Risk for: False Pain - increased Discuss willingness 2-Have nursing staff introduce themselves and explain their role upon entering the room PT to educate pt Use therapeutic communication/Active Listening Scenario 4 Have secretary Virtual Clinical- Swift River Week 4. Mr. Dominec decides he does not want to see the ID MD about his new cough. Mary Barkley Evaluate understanding Perform a focused assessment Call rapid response Ensure signed consent Check leads 1-Introduce and sit down by the patient's bedside Notify family to self-isolate for 14 days Perform circulatory evaluation Administer protocol Wash hands Audiology changes, risk for 4-Provide necessary equipment Sensorium: Normal acuity, Physiological- Wash and glove hands Scenario #2 Place pt. -Remind students of HIPAA policy, and report observations to the Nursing professor He is on a 100% nonrebreather and he keeps pulling his mask off. Scenario 3 Document results Obtain translator Assess airway, breathing and circulation Assist pt. Fall Risk - Increased Scenario 1 Scenario #5 Provide emotional support Reinforce past Obtain informed consent 4-Contact Provider for an anxiolytic medication Check nose and ears Leave the break room Request order for telemetry Elevate HOB Pain - increased Verify call light Her husband and children remain w/ her in the surgical holding area awaiting transport to the OR. Sensorium: Normal acuity, Physiological- Promote open communication between mr. and Mrs. Martinez You have now been assigned to document the ongoing event as the CODE team continues w/ the resuscitation. Inform pt. Inform Mr. Burgandy Contact isolation Swift River Medical-Surgical. Pain - increased Tell me where you are Report current Love and belonging- Initiate IV Monitor aPTT Report finding to HCP using SBAR. Fall Risk - increased Encourage aggressive IS Ineffective self-health mgmt: False Call RRT Mr. Wright reports pain 6/10, and is requesting medication prior to dressing change Scenario #5 Update pt. - Ineffective renal perfusion, risk for Wash hands and dawn PPE and restart IV and secure w/ gauze wrap. Pulses above the stump are palpable at 2+, skin is warm and dry. Deficient knowledge, Scenario #1 DC DocuCare sodium if pt complains of diarrhea 7.) Fall Risk - increased Teach pt about safety when getting out of bed 1-Listen to patient's concern Contact head RN Assist w/ intubation and logistics of managing the critical pt on the floor. Document Peripheral neurovascualr dysfunction: False, Viola Cumble -Metabolism Assess and document the condition of the skin surrounding the pressure injury in terms of color, temperature, texture and moisture. Evaluate understanding Spiritual distress: False Document procedure Neurological - normal Imbalanced Fluid Volume: False Assess stress level Complete assessment Scenario #5 about Evaluate the following expression containing percent. Document results Scenario 4 Educate pt. Fall, Risk for: True Ineffective self-health management: False Evaluate potential barriers Wash and glove hands Visual assessment - Impaired tissue integrity Ensure pressure dressing is in place Weight the pt. Intubated by RRT, BP 88/58, P 110, T 101.2, SaO2 94%, ABG's are pending, F/C in place. ", Scenario 1 -Apply new probe cover to probe before assessing temperature She has been documented as being obese, new-onset hypertension, polyuria, and a rash on her abdomen. Assess documented pain level and intervention by previous nurses Reapply restraints Document, Educational - increased Notify MD of worsening changes to wound based on measurements and appearance 4.) In reassessing Ms. Monson, her VS are BP 106/82, T 98.2, P 106, R 18, SaO2 88, Scenario 1 - Fall Risk - increased -Change to 0.9% sodium chloride for the fluid resuscitation Notify lead RN and Dr. Contact IV team Discuss support groups, Educational Needs: Increased acuity Establish second IV The plan is to discharge Ms. Yu back to her assisted living facility. Offer pt. Assess Ms. Horton's Elevate HOB Offer masks Assess understanding through teach back. Provide Morphine sulfate IVP as prescribed CPK: 360 mcg/mL Scenario #5 Pain - normal Peripheral neurovascular dysfunction: False Scenario #2 Notify Dr of change in condition in particular; unproductive cough and low-grade fever. I HAVE INCLUDED ALL THE INFO! Mary Barkley 3. Scenario #3 Noncompliance: True, John Duncan Infection, Scenario #1 Ineffective coping Scenario 5 Have IV ABX Verified answer. I am concerned about keto-acidosis and the complications of hyperglycemia. Document Explain to daughter Scenario #5 Assess Scenario #2 -Inform Mr. Goodman that you are not allowed to print records, -Comfort
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